Vst(LinuxVST) Helm 0.9 Update

Today came out a new Version of the free synth Helm from matt tytel!
And it Supports the new linuxVST that is easyier to install and to use



hello, im user of Renoise, but i change mac o linux Ubuntu and install renoise… work fine. instal Helm vst and i dont see it on renoise. please how i can use helm in renise.

thenks so much :slight_smile:

Robert aka Headdreamer

my music :

Hi ArturRembe,

Happy for linux users.

I remember remove helm vst plugin last year because of to much bugs in renoise or live, But thinking go back on it to test it more.

There is nothing on the offical site or helm twiiter account.

So how do you know HELM have been updated ?


Hi ArturRembe,

Happy for linux users.

I remember remove helm vst plugin last year because of to much bugs in renoise or live, But thinking go back on it to test it more.

There is nothing on the offical site or helm twiiter account.

So how do you know HELM have been updated ?


In windows 10 I got to break Helm, but a previous version. When updating to the latest version, it works fine with Renoise 3.1.1. I have not tried it in another OS. The last version is 0.9.0.You can see the latest version installed by double clicking on the Helm logo…

ok let’s try this new Helm :walkman:

Thank you guys.

Hi ArturRembe,
Happy for linux users.
I remember remove helm vst plugin last year because of to much bugs in renoise or live, But thinking go back on it to test it more.
There is nothing on the offical site or helm twiiter account.
So how do you know HELM have been updated ?

This Post is a half year old.
If you Go to tytel.org you See a link to github. So you can stalking him @work on new Updates. Also he work on a new vst. You can Follow him on twitter too

Ah there was some nice KVR OSC compo once using Helm, but I wasn’t able to finish my track. Have a listen to that compo songs, if you want to know how Helm can sound. Btw. I found the plugin very unstable, one of the rare plugins that constantly did crash.