Vsti Automation

Hello all

Im taking my first steps with renoise and hit my first hurdle.

Im using a single VSTi ( CM - 101 synth ) on a single track playing a simple bassline.

How can I make renoise record any changes I make to the VSTi params. In this case, the filter cutoff.

Ive already done this using DSP effects using the ‘right mouse button while sliding a param’ method and it worked fine and I have an envelope to play with.

But using any of the VSTi’s im using, using the right button doesnt move the knob/slider.
I cant for the life of me figure out how to get an automation envelope available to use.

I just get Pan/Vol/Width.
I dont get the tutorial either as the images in that example still only show the above 3 params.

Thanks for your time.
very eager to get over this hiccup and get more stuck in!


Track DSPs -> Meta -> VstiAutomateDevice

Drag this into your DSP chain.


Tanka very much!


Great forum!

I was just going to ask this same question. Thanks bonbpig for asking it and Conner BW for answering it…