Waldorf Attack


free! waldorf attack is quite a nice drum synth. le edition cannot play sounds melodically. it’s a drum machine. no big deal. has that filter thing and ppg, too. if you can’t read German just type your stuff in where it looks like you should and collect your free stuff! nice.


I had a demo from Attack once a few years ago, and found all kind of strange noises while pushing the randomize parameters function. It kicked ass!

Yes! attack is why you should get this!

Cool! But… this won’t install on my OS X Lion :(

“Waldorf Edition can’t be installed on this computer.”

yeah, there are probs with it. i actually own the paid version (for a few years) and it was very odd installing it on windows 7 even though the le thing was prob free for me. i guess this leads to the free part?

but if you can get it to work, rocks!

Hm, I’ve bought it some months ago, the whole pack I mean, and it is serving me well on old Macbook with Lion. But to be honest, I have installed it on Snow Leo. What you can do is try to unpack the installer and manually copy all plugins to the plugins directories, you don’t have anything else in these installers.

Getting Waldorf won’t work, complains about no more free serial numbers. Getting Zeta worked, though.

Can I have it then? ;)

Waldorf offer appears to be out of free licenses. I’ve been pretty tempted to buy this pack as almost all of my older songs contains the D-Pole filter, where once upon a time I had got it from a pack of discontinued plug-ins (and as at the time I could find no way to purchase it I didn’t mind using it.) Since finding it’s now available in a bundle I have thought about purchasing it a few times but never quite clicked that button…

The serial that is…
But now try to get zeta 1.x

Well yes, of course I meant the free serial number only; my comment was misleading.
You can get the actual Z3TA+ 1.5.3 VSTi from http://www.cakewalk.com/Support/kb/reader.aspx/20070320

Well thanks…
Let’s see if they accept the serial to register the product. (Would also make one eligble for a cheap upgrade to Zeta+ 2)

The serial that the Beat website gave me sure worked so it should work for you too. :huh:/>

Darn it
I was curious how percussion synthesizer would sound/work!! I’ve only tried that white one very electronic what was the name, Sonic Charge??

I mean registering the serial on your Cakewalk profile so you can upgrade to the latest version for less than when you would be a new user