This is my first post - I hope someone could help me 'cause im getting really desperate
I just bought the Waldorf Edition 2 from their website. I really had/have problems to get things work. What I did so far:
bought it from the website
went to their download center
installed the Waldorf 2 thing
give âaccess with admin rightsâ to the folder (âSteinbergâ) in der Programme (x86) folder
set the path for VSTs in Renoise
Now i can use de D-Pole Effect and the PPG Wave synth properly. I also can load Waldorf Attack but it gives me just some âclickâ sound, I cant use any modulation with the external editor and cant load any presets or if i do, the sound doesnt change. Im surprised that the D-Pole and the PPG are the 32bit Versions (this i can see in renoise) - because I downloaded and installed all files while i was guided through the installation. When I try to get the .dll files of the VST instruments from the normal âProgrammeâ folder (when i change the path in renoise), than renoise cant initialize them âŚ
Im really stuck and some kind of frustrated because I just bought that very cool VSTs ⌠So I hope someone could help me. until then i can go outta space just with the PPG ^^
Thanks a lot;
I just tried - delete everything, reinstall Renoise (64bit) and Waldorf Edtion 2 again but just selected the 64 bit VSTs. Now I have to say to Renoise that it has to grab it from the normal âProgrammeâ folder (making it free again with admin rights) and again, it cant initialize it.
I think it may be a problem with administrator access, that renoise is unable to access the folders it needs, at least that seems to make things problematic sometimes. I assume you use Windows?
I suggest you try running in administrator mode and see if that helps. You can also try to install the files outside of the âprogrammeâ folder to somewhere you have full access, create a folder 'VSTpluginsâor whateveron the C: drive.
Iâm running the Waldorf Edition 2 x64 and PPG3 x64 and all plugins work like a charm here (Win7 x64). To prevent the issues with admin-rights of several plugins (e.g. Cakewalk plugins are candidates with similar problems) with activated UAC Iâve excluded my VST-folder from the Program Files-Folder and moved it to the root [edit: like TheBellows already said]. Depending on how many VSTs youâre running, this might become a crapload of work, but Iâve never ever again had any issues of that kind. Imo well worth the work.
Have you tried to run the Edition-Installer as Administrator (ârun as administratorâ via context-menu) already?
Unfortunately I couldnt fix my problem. What I did:
I deinstalled Renoise and all of the Waldorf stuff
I reinstalled Renoise (64bit Version)
Downloaded the Waldorf Edition 2 from their download section: Waldorf Edition V 2.2 LE - VST VST3 AAX - 32 & 64 Bit (WIN)
then I was right clicking the windows start button and chose âEingabeaufforderung (Administrator)â (sry my english is bad ^^)
I entered: net user administrator /active:yes
switched the user to âAdministratorâ (didnt know that this is even possible ^^) so then i was logged in with the admin account
I installed the Waldorf Edition; all files
I opened the âProgrammeâ folder and then i right clicked on the âSteinbergâ folder to open the âEigenschaftenâ (âPropertiesâ)
now I selected âSecurityâ and pressed the âbearbeitenâ (âconfigâ) button
now I selected everyone from the list (trustedinstaller, user, admin) and allowed everything to everybody by ticking all of the boxes
After that I started Renoise, chose the âSteinbergâ folder as VST directory and it could load the VST
then when I try to run them, Renoise cant initialize them
again: when I do the same with the steinberg folder from âProgramme (x86)â, then I can load the instruments - but attack has again just one nasty click sound.
After that, I tried it the other way by following youre advises and chose other install directorys for the Waldorf Edition (for example: "this PC -> C: -> user -> rs -> Musik -> Plugins), where I have all my Plugins. I made two new folders there so I can chose one for the 64bit and one for the 32bit. When I try to load the 64bit files, Renoise says it cant initialize them. When I load the 32bit files I have again just a problem with the Attack VST.
While I tried these different things, UAC was disabled.
My Computer: Windows 10 Pro, IntelŽ Core⢠i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30 GHz 2.40 GHz, 64-Bit-Betriebssystem, x64-basierter Prozessor
I was wondering why (after reinstalling Renoise) Waldorf didnât want to know validation code and email adress again. Could it be that the 64bit versions are blocked by something like this?
I am also not sure if I did the things with the âadminâ rights correct ⌠^^
Does anyone have another idea or knows what I am doing wrong? I also wrote to the waldorf support, but they didnât answer yet.
hope everybody is enjoying their weekend with nice music production
I just wrote to the Waldorf support, but they say they canât help me because they do no testing on Renoise haha
Am I missing something with the download and validation?
File from the download section:
Waldorf Edition V 2.2 LE - VST VST3 AAX - 32 & 64 Bit (WIN)
I validated (entering email adress and validation code) it once when I first loaded it into Renoise. After deinstalling/reinstalling the stuff, Renoise (or better said the plugins) didnât want to know my code and email again âŚ
I had contact with a renoise supporter discussing and trying several things ⌠but again: nothing worked.
At the same time, I contacted an employee from waldorf again. This time he offered me a team viewer session. After one hour trying to make the plugins run on the ableton demo or renoise, he/we gave up. It seems that something is completely fucked up with my admin rights. He stopped at this point, because he could have made damage to my computer. He recommended to reinstall windows again.
I did that. Plugins from Waldorf are still not running ⌠every other vst plugin I have works perfectly. I still donât know whats goinâ on.
But Wayne. I ordered the new macbook pro this week ⌠muahaha