Wanna Have Sum Fun... (or Not)..

sjeez…this never happened to me before… :( :unsure: :blink:


start with FREIDEUTER’s post and continue…


ps. sorry but i had to post it here, i feel offended.
if this post is not proper in any sense delete it from here…
i had to tell someone …

wow… it continues…



i got banned…and they deleted my whole charade with proof they freaking changed my posts…

… ahwell… sad…

its over nothing to see there…except my first post still with the ‘enhanced’ version… morons… how a prog can fall… sad to see teijo kinunnen’s work going to smithereens…(or something like that… )… .


Thu… i tried to register but my account has to be approved by a moderator before i can post…
This actually should be enough to know what kind of level the application has gone to…

My idea:It’s current stadium is nowhere near the quality of where OctaMed was at that time and it will probably not come near the quality OctaMed was in the near future.

I wanted to add a simple reply to the message not going to defend the program if it has no use other than improving it… but i don’t think i’m really eager to make this suggestion.
I find it poor enough if people get banned for mentioning other alternatives for MED. It does however proove to me that the alternative will probably be much better and the programmer does not wants to accept that fact, neither does he wants to do something about it.

I feel sorry for you MLon if you registered MED…

what its all about? :blink:

i dont get it… maybe its because i’m drunk right now :lol: but if someone can explain me then i can read that when i get sober!!