Want To Use Sliders For Plugin With. Previous Automation Programmed

I have some automation programed in the first pattern for renoise’s delay plugin. I want to use my controller 7 patterns later while looping the pattern. Each time the pattern loops around, the parameters return to what I am assuming are the last parameter settings of the automation on the first pattern?

how do I use my controller for tracks that have automation higher up the pattern list? Is it possible? I want to record some new automation in real time on the 7th pattern.

Thanks for any help.

if I got what you mean, you would like to record an automation for a pattern which is currently not being played/shown, is it?

this is currently not possible.

sorry, that is not what I mean.

I have 7 patterns.

I have some automation programmed for the delay plugin on pattern 00.

I want to jam out on my controller :yeah: with the same delay plugin on the same track during pattern 06, while I’m looping said pattern. When the pattern loops over each time, the parameters i’m jamming on return to another value :(

I need help.

i know what you mean.

in your current scheme, you must record to the automation on your pattern 06.

however is scheme needs a rethought,

duplicate your Track + pattern, in this new track remove data from 00-05, and leave pattern 06.
then remove pattern 06 from original track.

this new track + pattern data becomes your live track.
while retaining the original tracks settings.

-after more thought-


i forgot you meant multiple tracks of pattern data, the previous writing is too much.

  1. add a send device to the begining of the track in questions chain.

let’s call it S01

on pattern 06 in your track specified put an effect command to change the send devices reciever to s02 on the specified track.

then on the pattern 00 add another change to s01 at the very begining of the pattern.

i’ll make an example real quick cuz this probably may not make sense.


i left automation data on pattern 04 just for example.
just remove the delay automation data on s01, assign midi controller to delay, and it will work just fine.

er, make sure you assign the midi controller to the delay on s01, not track 1.

Try disabling “update automation on song position change” in preferences > plugs/misc!

When your pattern is looping, technically, it “jumps” back one pattern in the song position. This will cause any automation data to update themselves. Sounds like it’s what you’re experiencing.

ill give these suggestions a try tonight. THanks so much for the help!