Web Hosting And Domains

Can anybody recommend anywhere cheap and reliable? Used to have something with 1and1 a few years ago and seemed OK, although I barely used it and did end getting charged for another year when I didn’t want to renew as they put it through automatically although they gave the impression they wouldn’t (ended up with debt collection letters for something stupid like £25 as they sold the debt. Couldn’t be bothered to argue in the end as just got a new job after not having one/being freelance but without much work for quite a while.)

Kinda thinking it seems to be muchness for muchness these days though although a quick look at 1&1 and it’s a fair bit more than when I used them before…

I’ve used shared hosting ($15/month) at liquidweb.com for a few years and have found them to be excellent. I’m in the UK but it’s cheaper to get US based hosting.

How much does that get you? For less than that at 1&1 you get 20GB storage, unlimited download, 3 domain .uk domain names (most important bits) plus they are offering first 6 months free at the moment…

Haven’t actually compared against anybody else yet, just first one I checked as used them in the past…

Somehow that doesn’t surprise me, although the issue I had with them was kinda the opposite, with them trying to keep me on their books when I didn’t want to renew and the ToC not saying anywhere that you have to actively cancel. Thing is you can find horror stories about most host and domain companies if you search for them.

Just used it as an initial guideline though really, as it’s the only company I had used briefly in the past so the first one that came to mind.

So any you can recommend then?

Fasthosts seem cheap (especially with current reductions) and been recommended me by a friend on another forum. Any horror stories about them?


$15/month at liquidweb is for 1GB space and 120GB/month bandwidth plus 2 free domains. The other advantage for me was that I could pay monthly, so didn’t have to find all the cash for 12 months up front.

I’ve only ever heard of problems with 1&1.

How does having multiple domains on one hosting work? Always thought there were some troubles you were likely to run into with this, especially if you use MySQL or similar databases. Not that I’m likely to, my HTML coding skills are very basic at best and likely to be doing it all myself again. Would be nice to have separate domains for the company, myself and my partner, rather than having to use sub-domains.

Don’t see bandwidth as being a problem, if I’m honest doubt we’ll have enough visitors to use loads and loads, but really don’t think 1GB would do me for long. Fasthosts offers 5GB for just over £10/month (with 40% for 6months or a full year if paid for in advance.) Seems to have a few, very similar complaints to 1&1.

Seen Purple Cloud recommended on a couple of these complaints sites now. Anybody used them?

Just got shown this by a friend. £2/month for 25GB storage, 500GB transfer.

Bit worried about this though. Especially if hosting mixes, which is still considered a grey area by many. Seems all it can take it a complaint or two. Especially with France having just introduced the new anti-piracy laws.

That price is pretty amazing though!

I’m at all-inkl.com and for less than 8€ I get 3 domains, 10 Gigs of space, theoretically unlimited traffic, mysql5, php5, https, imap, pop3, 1000 mailadresses etc.

I went with Downtownhost ( http://www.downtownhost.com/ ) because it had crazy-good reviews, and I can host as many domains as I like on one cheap account. To my knowledge, I’ve not had any downtime since I signed up with them. Hella fast servers, and service is great as well. a++!