Website/blog Link Swapping

Looking for blogs and personal/artist websites to add to my blogroll/links section. Lets get some community cross-linkage going on so our google ratings will climb!

Link away!

Here I am:

Ok, now why would I nor anyone else hobbyist care about googleratings? :)

Otherwise a good idea. Always nice to find new songs from fellow-renoisers.

Well, I’m presuming that not everyone has making music as a hobby as their sole activity in life. I guarantee some people here make their living off websites. That said, there’s nothing wrong with a little link swapping :)

If I care enough about stuff to put it up I might as well make sure it can be found… and since it really sucks when google “hates” you, you might as well make sure it “loves” you. added to mah linkz! :P = Added to my link page ;) added! :D


Yay thanks! I really need to sort out my shit though, music and the website in general… so thanks for the trust in advance heh - the overhaul surely will include proper linkage to renoise and posse ;)

Bytesmasher was added to my frontpage-links at