Weird 7-8Ish Line Delay

hey guys, just wondering if anyone else was having this issue, just a little bit ago today, renoise just started delaying everything in my song by about 7 or 8 lines in my current project. the pattern editor moves along with the song and looks normal, but all audio is delayed. tried reinitializing core audio and all that stuff, but can’t seem to figure it out.

anyone know about this? i am using renoise 2.6 beta5, you think it’s just a bug for this beta release?

thanks all.


Besides checking the soundcard latency and in the mixer the output delay settings, you may have added a plugin which introduces a big latency maybe? ddmf LP10 for example has a pretty big internal buffer. Does this happen only for this one song or also others? Also mentioning your system specs could help and what plugins you’re using. You may also find a hint for the cause under “Options -> Show Plugin Delay Compensation Info…”.