Went Back To Windows For 3 Weeks...

…It’s terrible. A trojan that seems to be polymorphic infected me and I can’t rid windows of it…so…solution?

Back to Linux. Windows has had it’s internet privaledges revoked…FOREVER. I still have it on my harddrive for some interesting games here and there, but since ReNoise runs in Linux, I’ll rarely go back…it’s going to end up like the attic in people’s houses…dark, scary and full of dark secrets that shouldn’t be unearthed…

Funny, I’ve always used Windows and I’ve never had a single problem with a trojan, or any serious problems from a virus.

shrug :rolleyes:

This is why Jesus created third parties firewalls.

I get like one virus every 10 years???

No virus/trojan problem here too. Thanks to an always updated NAV and Internet security.

Hardware-Router with Firewall (but it’s quite open, even port 80 is open cause I run my own webserver sometimes) and then a software-firewall to deny software to phone home.

For Virus-Stuff I use freeav. Never had issues here and windows is running quite fast. But I refuse to install SP3 :)

I think it also depent on what sites you’re chekking.

Yes! That msblast was really awful. Often times new windows installations would become infected WHILE trying to configure the machine.

Shutting down computer in XYZ seconds. I had that happen to me personally years ago and then I was setting up windows xp on my brother’s computer. The moment we went online so that I could start downloading antispyware apps and other useful items we became infected. Took under a minute to make it to us.

That was without us necessarily doing ANYTHING but turning the machine on and then dialing up to the internet.

People who have not experiences something like this assume you have to run some cheesey shareware games that are preinfected or something else, but that’s not always the case…

MSblast Information

Same as dblue here, no virus or trojan for many years. And in case one does a fresh install of windows, it’s always possible to download the protection software and install it before going online the first time. That’s how i’m doing it.

The virii and trojans don’t bother me. I usually run avg and ad-aware about once a year. But I also reinstall windows about once a year.

The only time I ever had a serious virus problem was about 14 years ago… In DOS, some crap made it to where I couldn’t boot up.

I never get virii on windows… all I had running for a firewall on my server for years was internet connection sharing… I had all the nasty windows ports (RPC + Netbios) on my internet nic routed to a nonexistant IP with ICS port routing settings. This 500mhz windows XP server was my only protection between the internet and my laptop… and it’s still got no virii. As for my laptop, also XP sp2, I’ve had spyware, but never a virus.

I don’t use internet on my studio desktop, this way my system stays clean.
I really recommend to do something like this, at least a multi-boot system with a dedicated install for music production.

“MY computer is fine with xxx programs running”

Shouldn’t you deserve to not have to do that? It’s like saying, “Oh, the ghetto isn’t THAT bad. You just wear a bullet proof vest, keep your head down and don’t talk to anyone, and everything is fine.” Why the hell should I even NEED to do that?


They’ve never destroyed my data, therefore it’s not really hurting me. I’ve conceded and joined the masses that either don’t care or have no idea that this is going on.

Now I was pretty pissed when one time, at exactly midnight, every night, a browser window with an ad for a casino would pop up :P but that was probably the most intrusive thing

the only protection i’ve got is the firewall inside my router. not a single third-party software has been installed and i’m really doing fine with my installation of XP which is already lasting since 3 years and would’ve lasted even longer if i wouldn’t have made a hardware update that required a fresh install back then.

i think it basically boils down to the fact that you’ve got to know your sources. if you belong to the brave pc users that eagerly click on links of every spam mail they get, you shouldn’t be too surprised to get into trouble real soon.

I find extremely important to log in with a non-administration profile user. A lot of problems can be minimized by running your programs under a user without administration capabilities. This is valid for all operating systems, not just Windows.

Instead of virus/trojans you tolerate lower performance and locked files ;) NAV is probably the works program I’ve ever used, it screwed up my computer completely. A tip: instead of paying money for a crappy program like NAV, try out Avast Antivirus or AVG for free, non of these programs hook your computer up like NAV… ;)

I use a slightly tweaked version of AVG and it seems to work flawlessly so far :)


online virus checking from trend micro is enough for me

Then the trojan is doing its job correctly.