Whare The "¤%&!¤%!"¤#%"! Is The Soun

i just dl’ed and bought renoise 2 solely based on the demos i heard.
I did buzz a littlebit yeaaaaars ago, so i know what a basic trackers colum is, but not much more.

I tried to study a demo song to learn, and i happend to start with “nivi”.

That may have been a mistake…

ok, i should probably just give it up, but i fear for lack of sleep unless someone revelas to me where the sound sources in this demo comes from.
After thinking and thinking, i THINK (therefore i am, at least), that the send and line in devices are very important in this demo. But i also havent heard about effects that produce sound (that would make it an instrument, if that was the case)

Could it be that the line in device somehow picks up some very subtle sound from the PC soundcard, and that neurotix guy somehow managed to send and tweak it all trough a genius use of native effects?
please tell me if im on to something, or if i should just delete renoise and take cooking classes instead.

I hope i will learn to use it, because it just looks so mindblowingly aswome sitting at my screen!


it’s all about the line in device.

wow. I’ve totally overlooked this demo track. that IS some crazy shit, for sure :o
my only explaination is that it’s has to be the internal feedback being heavily processed… or “Neurotix” is Taktik’s alter ego, where he shows off some crazy new effect commands that’s hidden in the song comments, encrypted as normal words - and the line-in device is just there to confuse us :rolleyes:

I haven’t seen this song, but judging by this thread, I can guess that the sound is being generated by an LFOd DC offset. The Line-in device is only used to make Renoise think there’s actually a sound source on the generator track… otherwise the tracks will stay silent.

Ahhhhhh thanks you guys, I think i got it now and can finally go to sleep.
As BYTE suspected, it is the changes in the dc offset that produces the waves . I couldnt find the LFO’s but i see now that the changes are controlled directly from the pattern. Very very cool stuff!
All the demos are all in all great, so thanks to those who made them and those who keep giving useful information to newbies.

That song is very cool indeed!