What is the way/is there a way to make Redux work like a real tracker?

Hi there, Great day to you,

I am a musician who has been looking for a way to include tracking in a modern music making environment for about 20+ years

It is simply the fastest and best way for making musically astounding beats & other compositions

( closely resembling to ‘live’ instrument - feel, in terms of musicality )

And i would like to know, how to make Redux ( or anything out there ) work like a real tracker

Real tracker = ( basic ) FT2 keycommands, for composing and arranging

( that’s it )

And it seems like this magnificient looking software is crippled by something called phrases… which yes i am sure has their place… however has nothing to do with quickly composing with some of the best keycommands out there

These are available in the full version of Renoise…

And that is not compatible with other music making software, so the version that is, is missing all the essentials for creating great songs ( inside other DAW’s )

and i would like to ( know a way how to ) make it work

Thank you for your time,

Stay Blessed & Have a Great Fun Ahead

What’s the issue? Renoise itself can’t 100% replicate every FT2 command out there, so what’s going on? I agree that Redux is “crippled”, but for other reasons. I’m not sure I understand what’s bothering you or what’s preventing you from working with Redux on a regular DAW.

it’s just the very basics for composing are not there for quick editing and arranging…

Most people are looking for the original FT commands

Which is why Renoise exists ( in the first place ) = a direct FT2 Clone

All that has to be done is to port Renoise as Sample player only, that outputs MIDI

That would keep most users happy

Very simple solution, that many users would genuinely be willing to pay $200 for