It’s kind of a cliche sound by now like the TR machines but I love the DMX. Never owned one but had use of one for a long time at one point and sampled the hell out of it. Will be in a Renoise library I’m doing.
The best 909 / 808 clone I found so far is Audiorealism ADM. Never used it, but once made lot of comparison tests, though I did not test for exact original device behaviour, but instead for the best sound. Imo ADM sounds better than original
The best 909 / 808 clone I found so far is Audiorealism ADM. Never used it, but once made lot of comparison tests, though I did not test for exact original device behaviour, but instead for the best sound. Imo ADM sounds better than original
adm is nice , but I disagree when it comes to the emulating part .
D16 drumazon is the closest , the 909 is almost spot on …
Also , renoise is fantastic …create a long dc sample’ 88200 samples ) , process track fx set to highpass and resonance , choose freq.cut of and process fx …a nice self oscilating sine …+small pitch env…
Then ad a single cycle transient ( nonlooped ) and mix it with the above …add a bit of noise …et voila …
But, I’ve really been trying to get together some good pcm drums. You know, punchy short real drum samples that still have some major drum machine/electronic vibe. Some of them sound great but often not so much. One box might have good hats and great toms and everything else is medium or bad.
I thought I could process some acoustic drum samples into an 80s style kit that I like but it’s just not as easy as it seems, for me.
I don’t guess it goes with the topic 100%, but, a neat trick when sampling analog drums that sometimes spit out a large initial transient that doesn’t seem to do much beside screw up attempts to get the boom loud enough is to press the dc fixer thing until the waveform looks good for maximizing. I mean, yeah, yeah, you could probably do some extreme filtering or clipping or compression but i find this works pretty well without making noticeable timbral changes.
my top-to-bottom list: 808, 909, 606, 707, 505 <— yay, that’s the one i got
oh, i finally checked out some 505 demos and… yeah, that’s the sound without being stupidly expensive. Thanks. I don’t guess you can pitch the samples in the box, though? is ok, i only need samples… ~googles~
oh, i finally checked out some 505 demos and… yeah, that’s the sound without being stupidly expensive. Thanks. I don’t guess you can pitch the samples in the box, though? is ok, i only need samples… ~googles~
You’re right, no pitching possible in the box (without modding/circuit bending it). In fact, the only thing you can modify is volume and pan per sample
The kick and snare are good though, very classic, I think they are almost exact like on the 707.