What Would Be The Point Of Renoise Piano Roll?

Pianoroll would make some tasks easier , so bring it on .
but keep ofcourse the tracker, implement it in the way that they respond to each other.
one more thing, keep it simple! that is the main factor why I like renoise so much.
But no hurry, first a decent audioslicer!

I didn’t care about pianorololololos until seeing this last night:



And a classic from Bach with more strict baroque structure:


The guy making these videos has made a great program called tapper.
You simply press any key to go to next note. You can then focus on “tapping” the tempo variations and also velocity virtuosity without learning to play a piece perfectly first (because you don’t need to remember the pitches of notes).
Something like this in renoise would be simply mind-blowing for many composers.
I bet we can make similar things with scripting in the future.
It’s like an far more advanced “hit return to play current line” kinda tool where you can record your tapping and convert it into tempo variation commands.

However when it comes to visualizations of data, videos like this just show how easier it pleases the brain to remember structure visually then pure audio like renoise basically does now. That’s the major drawback in Renoise for me.
And it’s not just eye-candy, a pianoroll is simply a better tool to use for some (important) tasks.

Hi Pysj, it is very visually stimulating.

did you by chance look at the above link>?

I haven’t hooked it up to renoise yet, as I’m not quite sure how to routed everything into one midi stream but I intend to very much, it has a live mode, also.

This would be nice to have in renoise … :w00t:

I have quite an idea how to achieve this now.

Would require toying a lot with graphics…
Rip some concepts from Nibbles as a start.

Do you mean the realtime tapping part, the visualization or both?

It would be simply brilliant if had a go at tapping part.
But will it be accurate enough? We are talking about rater small subtle changes that you input in real time. Just the conversion to pattern tempo commands will suffer from the lack of line resolution in the pattern editor.
Still, even a less accurate tool like this would be great.

no, renoise cant receive midi from plugins.