i was thinking than a cool addition and also a problem solver for the audio representation in the pattern view
can be …to add another tab next to the scope and spectrum views …
a horizontal waveform representation of the current lines and LPB configuration with a line following the current position of the sample as the song plays …
it would be …super ultra awesome to have
and you dont …fucked up the …beautiful pattterns …and the best thing its that …as its another tab …you can hide it if you dont want the feature jj
so its not audio clips its the same sample you load in the sampler …its merely a representation …which can be improved over time …maybe by …showing how effect commands …directly affect the sample
This would be very useful if it were possible to build it and it would have been well done. I’ve always longed a general wave of the whole song, even if I can generate it by clicking on a specific button to update it. Why do I say “the button”?
Generating a wave image in real time can be very complicated, since it must obey everything that is generated as sound, not only the samples, but also all the effects, the cuts, the superposition of sounds, MIDI, VST, VSTi (of course also), everything must be represented in that general wave. In this way, the user can see a general image of their song, and be able to analyze where they are using too much volume, where they are going or where they are short, and of course, represented in a timeline with a progression bar.Oh my god, a timeline!!!
Currently, the main problem that Renoise has is its inability to completely show an overview of your entire project, I’m talking about long songs, many minutes, 7 minutes or more. The height of the matrix editor is short and can not be rotated 90 ° to look horizontal, which would gain almost double the space.
If you notice, the matrix editor uses small lines of representation of where a note is triggered. It is not an audio wave, which is much more complex. I do not know to what extent a general wave in real time is technically feasible. I think not. But a button to update the wave, and take a while to analyze the song, even if it is very long. Everything sounds great, but when you think about it, how do you do all that? I can only think of a “refresh general wave” button, or something like that. For me, this would do the job very well.And if the general wave is no longer updated, it is possible that there is an indicator, a red and green pilot, or something like that.
Taktik seems like a guy who knows all this about audio waves, samples and so on. Sononym is a related topic. Therefore, I do not have much trouble imagining a new tab next to the “Mix” tab called “Wave”, which represents an updateable wave of the whole song, in a very large new area with horizontal and vertical zoom capability, of course with timeline and progression bar. It would be a very nice addition!!!
Additionally, this would also allow synchronizing this audio wave with the automation editor, which is also horizontal.