When Sky Falls Down - Vocal and Instrumental version

Tried some vocals this time in my latest track. Don’t get hung up in the lyrics as they’re not really making any sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


Instrumental version:


Feedback appreciated as always. :slight_smile:

Added a new instrumental version! :slight_smile:

Crazy vibes man! What are you using to effect the vocals?

Crazy vibes man! What are you using to effect the vocals?

There is a bit where i use a vocoder calledvocov2, but the rest is made with different effects like EQ, compressors and reverb. Some of the VSTs i used for this was VocEqPro, OTT and FerricTDS

I love it, especially the vocals syncing with the rest. I have to admit I love the bass. It was very well done! :slight_smile:

Haha! Yeah, it’s really cool!