When You Press A Dsp In The Mixer The Track Dsp Should Directly Open

well yeah the title is long enough to get me. hah. :P

I agree.

If you mean that the external editor should open then I think that would be a bad idea. For example when you click on something to move it or copy you don’t want to open the editor.

by the way, try double-clicking.

Nope that’s indeed not what I mean…

If for example the Instrument Settings are open, and you click on a DSP in the mixer the Instruments Settings should “close” and the Track DSPs tab should “open”.

what about the double-click? are you not aware that it works or are you just requesting it to be changed to single click?

-1 to original post. What if you are only clicking on a DSP as you want to try moving it up and down through the list? In the Mixer view you can already get it to show some Sliders if there’s some you are pretty sure you might want access to originally and then double click if you want to bring it to the front.

rhowaldt: Yep I wanted it to be single click.

When I’m moving DSPs around, I want to see them move directly in the DSP chain. It just worked on my nerves a couple hours ago. Do note the Instrument Settings tab was open for no particular reason.
Perhaps if I would’ve been working with automation this suggestion would’ve made a lot less sense… :P

Sometimes the brain takes you somewhere and before you know it your doing a shitty suggestion. Happens when you’re too long behind your computer. Sorry for wasting your time! :D

At the end of the day, as long as everybody keeps their cool head on, all discussion is good :)