Where are my linux users out there?

Yeah they are meant to be used together. I remember trying to deal with pulseaudio before I used cadence and it was a nightmare but thankfully I don’t have to use pulseaudio any more B)

I’ve heard that after a fairly recent update Jack and pulseaudio aren’t painful to use but I haven’t tried it since then. Do you often have catastrophic jack failure?!

Anyway, glad to help. It’s a shame most people are greeted with qjackctl when coming to linux audio instead of cadence and catia, I wonder if the common idea of needing to ‘figure out’ or ‘understand’ jack would be gone if they could use the catia canvas to make connections and cadence UI to start/stop jack and deal with bridging.

The first symptom is usually Ardour freezing up, but it leaves Jack borked. I’m running bleeding edge Ardour nightly builds, so this is not a reflection on Ardour.

I certainly agree re. cadence/catiea/claudia vs. qjackctl!

That’s a bit of a shame about ardour. I’m also experiencing a annoying bug with it too, reported it and waiting for it to be fixed though so I can finally integrate it in to my workflow. I realized that working with 20 vocal tracks/takes isn’t the easiest in renoise!

Renoise user since the first 1.9 linux betas, linux user since '04 or so.

@The Monotreme Goat, If you’re using jackdbus, you should use module-jackdbus-detect with pulseaudio. It’s supposed to detect when jackdbus is started and route all audio from pulseaudio to jack automatically.

According to your ~/.pulse/default.pa, you’ve enabled module-jack-sink and module-jack-source instead, that are meant to be used with the legacy jackd server (without dbus capabilities). They should work fine as well, but you must have jack server runningbefore pulseaudio is started. Also I’m not 100% whether they are supposed to work with jackdbus as well, but I’m sure they should work with classic jackd server.

@Carbonthief, I think you should try killing pulseaudio and test if the issue persists with plain ALSA.

Add these lines at the bottom of your ~/.pulse/default.pa to prevent pulseaudio from restarting after you killed it:

autospawn = no
daemon-binary = /bin/true

After that run ‘pulseaudio --kill’ and it should be stopped. It may be a good idea to wait a few seconds and make sure it didn’t autostart again with ‘ps -A|grep -i pulse’.

To revert back, simply remove (or comment out) those lines in your default.pa, and restart pulseaudio with ‘pulseaudio --start’.

I also found this regarding your audio interface.

What about plugins stealing keyboard focus?
I hate that :-(.

What about plugins stealing keyboard focus?
I hate that :-(.

Yeah this is so annoying. It is renoise’s fault or a linux general thing?

I am also using Linux for many years and Renoise since 1.9. One thing that bothers me is that

there is a lot of trouble getting VST instruments to function ok… I have used Dexed a bit but I have

a problem of not being able to open presets since no dialog pops up when I press load.

I can see that a process is running in the background, but the window does not appear. The process is

zenity --file-selection --title=Import original DX sysex… --file-filter *.syx *.SYX . --file-filter All files | * 2>/dev/null

and if I run it outside of renoise it shows a file dialog nicely… This is probably a bug, but I am not sure if it is

a renoise bug.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Has anyone else seen this problem?

No, never had that problem. Which version of zenity do you have and which wm/de?

That’s good to hear!

I am using arch linux running the awesome window manager. My zenity version is

$ zenity --version

I will try with a different wm and see if that changes things.

Same thing when I use fvwm2 2.6.5. Which wm are you using? Maybe I could try the same one and
see if there is something else that is strange with my setup somehow.

I use awesome as well so I don’t think it’s that the problem. I use funtoo which is quite conservative with gnome so I am on 3.16.3 of zenity. Maybe you could try downgrading that, might be a bug in that?

Cool, good to know that I can likely rule out that awesome is causing troubles.
I will try to downgrade zenity and see what I can do, it’s a bit frustrating :wink:

I noticed that Lua protoplug and Dexed have the same problem when using them in
either renoise or qtractor, so the issue must lie elsewhere.