Hi Taktik, actually after I posted that last post I went back and did some reading at the xrnx site and found where to place it. but it still doesn’t load.
this is the example of where I have it: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renoise 2.6.0\Scripts\GlobalOscActions.lua
looking at it I would think the problem might be C:\Program Files (x86)\Renoise 2.6.0\Scripts\GlobalOscActions.lua
I’ve noticed this breaking some functions of programs; really bad idea I think of M$'s.
That sounds like the better place.
You are best off simply clicking “Help → Show preferences folder” and there go to the Scripts folder.
This trick should work on any platform.
Can someone explain, how they actually got this to work?
I opened renoise >> help >> open preferences >> finder location/scripts/ >> copy and pasted GlobalOscActions into it.
went to the terminal, removed actions from the file they were in before, saved it. (this is for testing purposes so I know it’s actually working or not working in this case)
closed renoise, opened renoise>>prefs>>OSC, entries not there.
Thing is the entries ARE in the file I copy and pasted to the prefs/scripts folder, but they are not loaded.
Do I have this completely skewed?
Was all of this just a highly confusing way of telling us to just make a backup?