While waiting for Redux...

I applaud your optimism :slight_smile:

Not really sure how this answers his question about Redux…but yes, I guess Redux will allow for loading VSTi, since it is simply the Renoise instrument in VSTi form.

Yes, this and giving Redux some basic sampler features the Renoise one does not have yet (and hopefully bringing them back to Renoise also).

i just mentioned that there is a VSTi sampler capable of loading other VSTi to sample and mangle it

This might be a stupid question, but do you guys think we will be able to load vst’s into Redux?

Not really sure how this answers his question about Redux…but yes, I guess Redux will allow for loading VSTi, since it is simply the Renoise instrument in VSTi form.

One can hope but it seems unlikely to me from what’s been stated. There’s only mention of .xrni + basic phrase editor. I.e. not instrument/effect plug-ins, arranger, etc. To paraphrase taktik, it won’t be Renoise in plug-in form. But who knows… maybe they’ve extended the feature set somewhat, since they had most of that in place over a year ago.

see discodsp highlife sampler for this

Or Blue Cat Audio PatchWork plug-ins for a very recent example.

Luckily the Renoise team is known for releasing fast and releasing often

This was sarcasm right ?

@jiku well Dblue mentions DSP chains in this thread https://forum.renoise.com/t/redux-when-does-beta-testing-start/40277

But maybe thats only built in effects. Would be so freakin awesome if its possible to open saved dsp chains (with vsts) from Renoise in Redux:D

One can hope but it seems unlikely to me from what’s been stated. There’s only mention of .xrni + basic phrase editor. I.e. not instrument/effect plug-ins, arranger, etc. To paraphrase taktik, it won’t be Renoise in plug-in form. But who knows… maybe they’ve extended the feature set somewhat, since they had most of that in place over a year ago.

Or Blue Cat Audio PatchWork plug-ins for a very recent example.

No it won’t be Renoise in a plugin. But I understood it will be the Renoise instrument in a plugin. And in Renoise 3 an instrument consists of three tabs: Sampler, Plugin and Midi.

No it won’t be Renoise in a plugin. But I understood it will be the Renoise instrument in a plugin. And in Renoise 3 an instrument consists of three tabs: Sampler, Plugin and Midi.

:slight_smile: I guess I’m conflating .xrni’s with samples-only, self-contained .xrni’s. Hoping you’re right.

@E.J. Yeah sorry, I meant 3rd party effects.

Just keeping low expectations. ^^ Even samples-only .xrni + phrase editor + internal DSP it’s going to be superb.

:slight_smile: I guess I’m conflating .xrni’s with samples-only, self-contained .xrni’s. Hoping you’re right.

@E.J. Yeah sorry, I meant 3rd party effects.

Just keeping low expectations. ^^ Even samples-only .xrni + phrase editor + internal DSP it’s going to be superb.

Yer it would but if its compatible with dsp chains containing vsts it would really be something else, and fully compatible with everything in a Renoise instrument:D

So, now silence for the next months?

So, now silence for the next months?

So, now silence for the next months?

Apparently so. I don’t understand why they are so uncommunicative about things like this.

Apparently so. I don’t understand why they are so uncommunicative about things like this.

Damn, sheesh…everytime there’s a few more pointless posts in here, I have to look at all that silly stuff in vain it could be some real news. It’s mental hardship like waiting for godot in here…

Apparently so. I don’t understand why they are so uncommunicative about things like this.

It has always been their (Bad?) policy, but then it is not our hobby/business (Whatever Renoise development actually is) so deal with it, they wont ever change

If you want fast development go elsewhere, if you want a lot of interaction with the developers go elsewhere :wink:

thanks :huh:

Waiting news from Redux…

More than a week late now. Was this “end of January” thing just bull or am i stupid? :panic:

Still working on that logo I guess. They should ask OliverAge24 to make it real 3D in no time.

taktik spelled backwards is kit-kat :o

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

Maybe… maybe we just didn’t post enough cats.