Why is renoise so aggresive with file associations on linux?

Renoise attaches itself to every file type as far as I can tell. Can this be changed? There are open so many files that need to open renoise surely.

If I remember,there is “mimetypes” in linux…you can edit them

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Yes I can but I would need to remove renoise from every single type and then potentially do it all over again when I update. It shouldn’t associate itself with every mimetype.

I just don’t install renoise, but run it locally from the extracted download. It works just fine, and you get no mimetypes changed.

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Wait… Which distribution are you using? I’m using Manjaro and Renoise does only register for Xrn* files and maybe a few more.

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I’m currently using KDE Neon but I have manjaro on another machine too. I’ve looked into it a bit more and my /home/$USER/.config/mimeapps.list had renoise listed for lots of things so after editing it there are only expected associations. I’m not sure how that file because such a mess but it’s probably user error rather than Renoise doing something wrong.

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