…but the audio craps out after importing a wave file into it and pressing a key. The cpu maxes out and the master out scope glitches with the offset stuck to the top.
From the logfile;
“Vst3Plugs: Instantiating: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\oi grandad.vst3…
Vst3Plugs: Failed to apply initial controller state to controller (not critical)
Vst3Plugs: Failed to suggest speaker arrangement (not critical)
Vst3Plugs: Failed to change audio bus connection state of ‘modularsamples: oi grandad’ - Result: 1
Vst3Plugs: Failed to change audio bus connection state of ‘modularsamples: oi grandad’ - Result: 1
Vst3Plugs: Failed to change audio bus connection state of ‘modularsamples: oi grandad’ - Result: 1
Vst3Plugs: Failed to change audio bus connection state of ‘modularsamples: oi grandad’ - Result: 1”
I’ve changed the default 48000 sample rate in Renoises preferences to 44100 and now it works fine, changed it to 48000 again and this seems to have fixed the issue on the higher setting.
I think my focusrite asio drivers have an issue when there is youtube playing in the background on a different sample rate in the windows settings.
"Known issues
When using Logic Pro 10.7.x it is necessary to use a buffer size of 512 or higher, a lower buffer will cause the position modulation to behave incorrectly. 10.6.3 should work with any buffer size.
It is reccomended to use samples of 3 seconds or larger, shorter files may cause crashes or audio dropouts."
this prolly the culprit, setting the grain size to small is causing issues.