IKM “White Channel” and IKM “Classik Studio Reverb” both (randomly!?) crash their plugin server on adjusting parameters via GUI (turning knobs). Apparently doesn’t happen with direct parameter access via internal Renoise VST interface.
Both never crashed in FL so far. So this probably is a Renoise/VST GUI issue.
Both plugins are latest versions, 32bit on Renoise 3.0.1 32bit, running on Win7 x64.
Who ever changed the topic to “bridged”… -> there is nothing bridged! 32bit plugin in 32bit host. And it doesn’t crash when automated, it crashes when parameters are changed manually via GUI.
Tried that with the latest (Demo version) of “White Channel”, but can’t replicate the crash here. Can anyone else?
The demo crashed for me too back then. So this shouldn’t make a difference. I tried to crash the plugins again a minute ago and wasn’t able to, using a single track only. The crashes before always appeared within a quite CPU stressing setup. I’ll try to find out some more details (probably when multiple instances are run or something like that) to provide more info.
Sorry, I’m unable to recreate these crashes by intention. Still, the plugins keep crashing unexpectedly during work. As I said in the OP, it seems to happen ‘randomly’.
Still having the same issue. Found out the plugin does NOT crash, as long as the sequencer is not playing. When you route some signal through the plugin via sequencer and adjust the White Channel params during replay, it should crash quite fast.