[???] Windows: Rewire.Dll Error When Exiting Renoise

i’m still getting an unclean exit when i close renoise, some error.

winxp sp2, 4gb ram (3 in use), amd phenonII 965

Always or sometimes? Probably only when having used some specific plugins before?

no plugins used … only started it and closed it:

yup… this error also occurs when i ain’t having vst plugs loaded or cached or what so ever

Did this already happen with previous Renoise versions, or did this started to happen with B9?

Could you please navigate the explorer to “%WINDIR%/System32/” right click ReWire.dll and let me know which version is of the ReWire.dll installed. -> Properties -> Details -> File Version. Should be

this happened rarely with b6 or so … very rarely.

i have exact that rewire.dll … the same version, dated 01.aug.2007

Which ReWire apps do you have installed? What is shown up in Renoises “#ReWire-In Device”. Probably one of the installed ReWire devices is causing a crash?

Does this always happen now in B9 or just sometimes?

yes rns 2.5b9 always gives an error while exiting.

Just out of curiousity: Acid pro 6.0 and Acid Pro 7.0, can their ReWire handling be combined without conflicts?

This definitely is a sideeffect of this fix (Renoise Still Active In TaskManager After Closed) then. I have no clue though why only you get this error and no one else. If its really only you, then I think its better to keep the fix and try to find a workaround for your problem.

Assuming one of the installed ReWire clients in your system causes this, and you don’t need all of those clients, then you could manually remove/disable them. To do so, open regedit.exe, then go to HKEY_LOCALE_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Propellerhead Software\ReWire
Theres is a list of all ReWire.

Could you please make a copy of that list and then trash them? Launching any of the ReWire clients should then reinstall them. So if you need any of those ReWire clients again, restarting them should do the trick. If not, then reinstalling them definitely will.

i have trashed the complete list in the registry, even the renoise rewire dll itself. it still gives me the same error.
renoise then gives the other error but isn’t in taskmanager anymore, not running as a process anymore.

Could you please check if theres another ReWire.dll somewhere installed then? Or probably a %WINDIR%/System32/ReWireBeta.dll ?

ReWireBeta.dll is a ReWireDll made for developers. This is the only reason I can think of why you get such error messages. You can safely trash the ReWireBeta.dll if its there.

If this still doesn’t fix the problem and you don’t need ReWire, then trashing the ReWire.dll will definitely fix this. Quite strange that this seems to happen on your setup only.

where should i check about rewire.dll except for the system32 folder? :) and in there there is no rewirebeta.dll!

i still get the same error, also with RC1 … but i found out that if i click IGNORE instead of Retry, the next
error isn’t showing up.

is there any newer version of Rewire.dll than the one from 2007 ?

Just installed RC1
Haven’t installed a new beta for a while
Getting this every single time i close Renoise

PS i use Rewire on all my Rewire apps so cant disable them
That would be
Acid Pro 6
Reaper (latest)
Renoise RC1

If that is the correct dll to have maybe mine is messed up i have

But this was updated by RC1 as far as i know ???