Wishes for next releases

Wishes… hopes… dreams… unfathomable hopelessness…

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10 posts were split to a new topic: A horizontal arranger view - Split from “Wishes for the next release”

Parallel chains in doofer would be a gigantic improvement as well

I’d love modulation input/output routing as well. Then renoise would have greatly enhanced modular functionality

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  1. Audio bending in the sample editor. It feels like it’s lacking, Renoise being a sampler centric sequencer. Not something I personally would use a lot (other than for tweaking loops), but it’s available in every other arranger nowadays.

  2. Some solution to the inherent visual problem of 80-FF delay values.

  3. A toggle to flats. Is this oversight some kind of meme, I wonder…

Edit: oh yeah… and the parallel routing.


Real automatable Track mute in both states “OFF” and “MUTE” directly and not over any Gain/Metadevices workarounds that don’t sound the same.

  • the ability to record mute states changes live while Playback/Record runs.

happy tracking :slight_smile:


I think sending audio from right to left is not possible in general for instance for side chaining. Is there a workaround beside moving all the tracks?