I thought I’d try Renoise again, since I have been so happy with my Hackintosh so far… and… OMG. This is acting like it’s supposed to. I can actually enter notes in live with my keyboard during song playback and it’s accurate. This hasn’t happened since I was using old versions of Renoise on XP. I wasn’t expecting that drastic of an improvement in usability. And since it’s actually entering notes on-time now, I can use the quantize options and it’s all good. On Windows, the quantize options were useless to me because the initial way it was entered was so off-timing that quantize just made it sound worse.
The performance of Renoise under Windows 7 and 8, when it comes to live input, was wretched, quite frankly. It became unusable for me–and the options that made it usable when it wasn’t performing so well in the past were removed, and I was left with a program that was unusable to me. Now that I’m running this on my Hackintosh, same exact hardware, I’m having a great time again.
Again, I wasn’t expecting this. I guess Windows just sucks for making music, or something, I don’t know.
Anyway. I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the past–but I was extremely dissatisfied before. I literally couldn’t use Renoise anymore without just getting frustrated. There are still the limitations that I wish weren’t there, but at least the options that ARE there work right for me now.
there was a bug, in version 3.0.0 i guess that notes was hitting in wrong places, at first i thought my arms were useless, but then after month or so bug was fixed in 3.0.1
maybe something was wrong with your os… could be, but on windows 7, or 8 or whatever everything works great, there is no wretched live input as you say, i mean i can jam my drums in 160-190bpm wth quantization works great, even with shitty dualcore, 2gb ram laptop
keep on tracking, and dont make everything about it someones or something fault. think more, i F#$% up, and i need to fix it way…
I’ve used Renoise 2.8 and 3.0/3.1 quite a bit on both W7 and Mavericks, then Yosemite. No input latency issues on any platform. Glad its working now though!
Were you using ASIO? I noticed quite a difference in latency when I picked up an audio interface. (Spent $50.)
I’ve read that Windows can have quite a lot of latency compared to Mac if you’re not using ASIO.
I was definitely using ASIO, on my Focusrite Scarlet 2i4. The thing is, when I’d play the keyboard, it sounded like there was hardly any latency, but when I’d actually try to record when the song was playing live, it entered the notes into the sequence off-timing, and not really in a consistent way. It was so frustrating. But now, on OSX, it’s working great
And I’m still not happy with the lack of pitch bend options. If I want to make a song with lots of pitch bends in a tracker-style interface (that unfortunately has tons of bugs), I’ll use Radium. Otherwise, I just don’t bother trying to make songs with pitch bends in Renoise, it’s way too tedious of a process, it’s just not worth it to me.
Thats true, I can understand it especially if you doing such expressive/dynamic music like you. For me, the ugly pattern command pitch bend works, if I use LPB 8 or higher. If that is not enough, I also sometimes automate the pitch thru the automation device.
Thats true, I can understand it especially if you doing such expressive/dynamic music like you. For me, the ugly pattern command pitch bend works, if I use LPB 8 or higher. If that is not enough, I also sometimes automate the pitch thru the automation device.
Something I’ve thought about doing is sampling the VST instrument I’m using, by itself, and then using the sample of that instrument during the times I want it to bend, then I can use the commands and it would be smooth. That’s actually 1/10 of the amount of work it takes to get smooth pitch bends on VSTs in Renoise. I’ll still never understand why they never bothered to put those same commands that can be used on samples as being able to be used on MIDI and VSTs. It really wouldn’t take much for them to put it into the program.
MacOsX is great for Renoise. Every plugin loads fast and snappy, default keyboard is super responsive. Trackpad is awesome and very accurate. Core audio drivers give me less than 3ms and even 1ms. Same plugin set and Renoise on Windows 8 PC rig with 8GB ram GTX 1060 and SSd drive…Kontakt loads like a sleepy hippo. Latency is 15 ms default,external USB and Bluetooth keyboard don’t have the same kind of snappiness.Mouse is mandatory with no Mac Trackpad like tactile surface. PC is less than ideal.