Wrong Pattern Effect Command Tooltip

so we switched from the old to the new Pattern Effect Commands, and all night i find myself typing ‘0210’ instead of ‘0D10’, ‘0110’ instead of ‘0U10’, etc.
when you type a wrong (old) Pattern Effect Command, you see this:

Unknown effect number. Try ‘xyzz’ with x = effect to automate, y = parameter to automate, zz = value.

now, wouldn’t it be nice if, at least in 2.8, the first version After The Switch, Renoise would tell you (when you input ‘0210’) this instead:

Unknown effect number. Try ‘xyzz’ with x = effect to automate, y = parameter to automate, zz = value. (did you mean ‘0D10’?)

that’d be awesome.

heheh yeah messing these up as well, though find it a lot less difficult then I’d thought the transition would be, have set the desktop background to the wallpaper with all the commands ( 2.8 Effects Reference Wallpaper ) and occasionally peek at it. Don’t think extra status comments are needed, will sink in eventually.

Why not implementing directly the auto-correction/conversion of the old pattern command ?

For example, when a pattern command isn’t related to anything at all (including dsps, or vsts), Renoise will assume that it’s a mistake and auto-convert it to the new command format.

What do you think about it ?

^ i think that would not help people learn the new commands, which is what should happen.

a bit like the MS Word auto-corrector system that was very successfull, and that didn’t helped people to learn the right way to write words.