I’m an owner of Xfer Nerve, and like to use it sometimes for it’s Swing Functions. When I try to use it in Renoise, I come up with a couple of issues.
1- I can’t seem to load samples from the renoise file browser into Nerve.
2- if I get a kit loaded via Nerve’s “load drumkit” menu, Nerve will not play the pattern I make in it when I start the renoise sequencer. Typically, with Nerve in other DAW’s, it will begin cycling through it’s 16 step internal sequencer as soon as I hit play in the DAW. No need to hit a play button in nerve itself, it just cycles in sync with the host.
Please help if possible. I would love to be able to generate swung little sequences with Nerve in Renoise
Can’t drag samples from renoise browser into Nerve, correct. Not sure why, but that’s just how it is. Also can’t drag samples from Nerve directly into Renoise instrument panel, unfortunately.
As for the sequencing, disable auto-suspend on your nerve instance and you’re set! You may want to route the audio to a particular track, otherwise Nerve’s output will go directly to master.
Nerve 2 will be a reality at some point, but I don’t think it’s going to be released soon. There seems to be a beta of nerve that has a resolution independent gui and a few new features though.