Well, a new song. A result of my boredom the last weekend. I somehow can’t make myself work on it more, so I’m releasing it as it is. I hope it’s nice.
The main idea was to make a 100% tracked song, with no VSTs and using only Renoise internal DSP.
I hate your track because it reminds me, how much I have to improve to call myself a good tracker-wizard. Overall a very cool production and a nice demo to show what is possible with renoise and some well-placed effects.
The melody is quite cool (in all parts) and the mixing is really great. I love this piece.
Marc Shake: Actually I’m no tracker wizard. It-Alien, Keith303 and quite a few other Renoisers can kick my butt anytime. They’re the ones to learn from.
However, my tracking comes straight from Necros/FM, who’s always been my master and god.
Heh, the thing is, after about 9 years of using the nickname DDspeed for everything (it started from playing Need for Speed, hence the “speed” part) I got bored with it and decided to use my real first name. So I’ll be using it consistently from now on.
This could be also a good candidate for the included demo tracks, if the size could be optimized. I really like this one and especially the second part caught my attention. Good work!
Well, the size comes from a large amount of relatively long samples. I guess encoding the samples with vorbis would reduce the size significantly, but I don’t know how to do it.
This song was one of the reasons I decided to buy Renoise. I was amazed that you could download the demo, then download additional xrns files and view the entire project.
Great track, and I agree it should be added to the demo files.
Well, if a potential Renoise e-mag/blog happens a dynamic feature could be a round-up of exemplary xrns files. Having the spotlight on them may encourage more people to release in xrns format = more impetus to use ninja-tracking skills.
btw, Nice choon! I really like the second break, with the pad build. Good oldschool melody with the new world of atmosphere. However, there’s a bit too much bass. I’d roll off things more for any further releases.
The middle goes on for too long IMO (ignore me!) but apart from that it is ace.
I played it to my girlfriend and she liked it too. She is a good control for all this stuff, as she has absolutely no interest in anything geeky (Louis Vitton and Channel being her vice, much to my dismay). So if she likes it, not only is it well tracked but it is also good music
Thanks . I must say I would never imagine that this song will get such good opinions, as I was not overly happy with it.
About the bass: mixing of this track was done on VERY crappy speakers, which I haven’t used for a lot of time, so I’m not used to them yet. Besides, I’m constantly shifting the subwoofer knob so there’s no way I can make decent mixes here. I’ll return to my AIWA hifi for vacations when I come back home and then I’ll mix the track properly, as I know the AIWAs inside out.
heh, ur a tricky bastard ( no offense tho ), after listening the first patterns i thought ‘wtf why all the ppls writing its a nice song’, but after some more patterns i swapped my mind and i’m now saying the same
Well, great stuff! From the start to the end a really good track. Loving the Bells, that demo-stylish saw synth which fades in at 1:20 sounds outstanding and your pads are just yummy
About the bass (your basslines rock too btw.), itself its fine… maybe a bit more quiet, low freqs a bit decreased and instead boost the mids a little… well, maybe haven´t heard the track on monitors yet but it could fit I think.
after listening to your track I feel like I should spit out some raw rns too again