Yamaha 01x Support


I just checked out Renoise and I must say that I am very impressed. The handling power of old-school trackers and the sound quality and DSP power of professional sequencing programs.

The only thing I ran in to is a problem with my Yamaha 01x. When I select “directsound” as my primary driver, renoise works perfectly with my first 2 Mlan channels, but when I select the Mlan Asio driver I don’t get any sound at all!?

Am I missing something here? How can I route the signals to my Mlan channels of my 01x?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

(I am running version 1.281)

If you are able to select asio in the 1.2x release i suppose you have a registred copy, right ?

In that case you might try the 1.5 alpha version and see if works better.

I do not have a registered copy myself. A friend of mine wanted to show Renoise to me, because he thought it would fullfill my needs. (I am a Cubase user myself) But if it cannot support MLan I cannot use it. The package is nice and the price is more then reasonable. I would definately buy my own copy if this issue can be resolved. If not, I will delete the borrowed copy (and be very sad) :(

Perhaps you could ask you’re friend to lend you a copy of 1.5a then ?

I guess so. But maybe some users have experience with MLan in combination with Renoise. If an admin could tell me it’s supported, I can get my own copy now, instead of waiting for my friend to get it.