Yamaha PSS-30 Portasound Keyboard Samples

Yamaha PSS-30 Keyboard https://www.the8bitguy.com/8bit-keys-keyboard-collection/yamaha-pss-30/

Oboe PSS-30.xrni (614.7 KB)
Piano PSS-30.xrni (353.2 KB)
Violin PSS-30.xrni (1.1 MB)
Xylophone PSS-30.xrni (47.2 KB)

Lo-Fi 80s Keys. Digital artefacts and noise. Synthesizer Chip: YM2410.
I added Key following LP filter to cut the artefacts, or disable it for more grind.
Sampled in Renoise through Thomann t.bone MB-45 mic plugged in ESI U22 XT audio interface at 24bit48khz.


Banjo PSS-30.xrni (45.5 KB) The arpegio phrase as in the og keyboard
Clarinet PSS-30.xrni (357.7 KB)
Electric Guitar PSS-30.xrni (569.0 KB)
Harpsichord PSS-30.xrni (412.5 KB)


Yamaha PSS-30 Drums.xrni (160.9 KB)
Drums: BD SD HH
C4…D4 Original sounds unprocessed
C3… Filters, Envelopes, -12st, Mute Groups:

C - BD
C# - HH open
D# - HH close
D - SD open
E - SD close

Macros for global efx.

*originally there’s 8 backing loops/beats in the keyboard, maybe I’ll sample them later.

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thanks for sharing. i do wonder about the naming tho, wouldn’t
PSS30 - name.xrni
be a better format?

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Cheers, thanks! Well, now it’s too late - it’ll stay like that for ethernity :wink: Or you can rename them yourself.