You Must Look At This...Bitcoins

One of the guys behind pirate bay wrote this:

Why I´m putting all my savings into bitcoins.

He predicts it will increase a thousandfold in price.

Since I read that last week it has gone from $8 to $30!

What is bitcoins?

Short answer:
It could turn out to be the global cash of the internet.

However its a highrisc project, so dont put your life savings into it. It could turn into dust in a very short time.

There might come a “better” bitcoin. It might be banned in the US etc.

What happens will be known in perhaps 2 years. But it will be two interesting years.

Here is another interesting TV show about bitcoins.

Also: Perhaps Renoise should start to accept bitcoins? Could also give Renoise some publicity.

does renoise have an address?
I’ll send a couple. =)

It’s genius, and just amazing,
I lost my job last month of 7 very grueling years,
and this is the one thing that is curing my despair.

I’ve been studying this the last week or so and there is an extraordinary amount of positive things being written about it.
Pretty much anything you can think of is already in motion, at the moment you can even embed a miner in a webpage or wordpress.
They have apps for android (for a while now it seems) and even iphone since this past weekend, and sweet low overhead real time market data pages.
For you coders, the markets do usually have APIs, so you have something to work with.

If a person has a good radeon card not being used so much of an entire day that should really get on it this, people have built farms with them.
There are interfaces built for them to use opencl and another one I forget the name of, but uses radeon because of the way the cores process.
From what I’ve read on the bitcoin forum it’s easier to generate bitcoins in the pools using the radeon hardware also.
I have just began researching datamining hardware:

This seems to be the in for it:

I´m also thinking of starting to mine.

Have been studying this intensivly last two weeks.

This can be a one in a lifetime oportunity.
If this gets adopted across the world the value of a coin could go through the roof.

But because of the bitcoin clients security issues (your coins can get stolen) its unstable price etc, its still has some way to go and could crash.

However, everyday it grows stronger.
And its right now one of the most exciting things to ever happen in the entire economic history.
Global instant cash system with no banks.

A currency that belongs to noone.

Its has some major “advantages”.

It can be transfered instant across the world with no banks involved who would sit on your money.
Its not controlled by anyone, so there is noone who can print endless of new coins.

Since the dollars going down the drain etc, many americans will probably invest in this.

Whatever you do dont invest your life savings.
Because the value only depends on if people believe in it and you can get goods and services from it.

The way I see it, is that if you belive in the idea of a worldwide online cash, you can afford to buy into it.
Its still early.

Check out this map of nodes.
Zoom in to see more.

Where did you guys buy your coins from, and which payment method did you use? I’ve been interested in bitcoin for a while, but I still haven’t taken the plunge to invest in some coins yet.

This is quite interesting, will it kill the actual bank system ? At least paypal I hope. (paypal stole me too much money)

Banks will invest in the coins and delete them?

My economic knowledge is not big but from what I understand:
If banks delete massive amout of coins it will drop the bitcoins values, so it’s seems worthless, because people will invest a lot in bitcoins, wich will raise in values until banks invest in them ?

sorry, double post

can they be deleted though? i thought the only thing you can do with them is transferring them. seems like the record of every coin’s owner and transactions is distributed over the network just like a torrent file.

if they would just sit on them then in effect would a large chunk of the “currency mass” be inactive and the rest would carry on living it’s own life. with time and the inflation that the system generates this chunck would matter less and less.

that would be a deflation i guess and would mean that the remaning coins would be worth more… however if a substantial part of the money goes away then i guess pretty weird things could happen that isn’t normal in a currency with more “users”.

Supply and Demand (basic economic priciple) says the exact oposite! The less of something there is (assuming it’s actually wanted) the more it is worth. This point is actually mentioned in the FAQ for once the maximum of almost 21M have been “mined” and are in circulation and they slowly disappear via transaction fees…

Yes. You can lose coins, get robbed, delete them…

this is fascinating. i’m all for less power to the world banks.

any idea how many bitcoins out of the 21m have been used so far?

There are currently about 6.48 million bitcoins in circulation:

The total of 21 million is estimated to be reached somewhere around the year 2140:

well, they aren’t deleted then are they? (from the pool of bitcoins i mean) if you get robbed then that’s actually an illegal transaction without any compensation for the robbed party.

but how can you delete a coin? the network knows that you are the last owner of a specific coin and the only thing you can do is to give transfer it to another user

unless there is a specific delete transaction which deletes the reference to that coin from the network. would be kind of cool because deleting a coin is in reality to give a very, very small monetary gift to all the btc users! (=

(just like how http://en.wikipedia…_a_Million_Quid actually made every owner of sterling an itsy bitsy tiny bit richer than they were before)

edit: well, they could be lost as in they can’t be circulated because no one can prove they are the owner or the owner simply won’t circulate them. (i.e. hiding them in the mattress) the interesting thing is that in this system you can actually trace them still even if they can’t be used.

Bitcoins operates just like real currency. You can’t track it any more than you can track a 5 dollar bill. A decentralized network log and search is an imaginary thing.

I guess the more appropriate term is “delete them from circulation”

Your bitcoins are simply stored in a wallet. The wallet is a password and permission protected file.

If you delete that file, and your logs, where is the log of all your transactions? On hundreds of other computers; like a paper shredder. What is your plan of retrieval? There is none.

If you download “free porn” and are fooled into revealing your wallet password, bye bye wallet.

Bitcoin is interesting because it’s a locked currency, with a maximum, and a timeline for that maximum based on contemporary crypto math and radical ideas. It could very well be the next currency, but it would radically change society. Bitcoin highlights the farce that is our current market economy.

Before we had our current economic system, we had kingdoms and serfdom. This was, like, 200 years ago. Let’s not forget that mankind has been around for thousands of years and money is a new, temporary and ever changing, thing.

ok, i think we’re on the same page then just different terms.

Right now bitcoins can buy web hosting, warcraft credits, and cat food. Cool, but useless.

What needs to happen is that bitcoins become useful by 2140.

My snark about banks buying the credits to delete them will make several people “rich” as it will take 100+ years of work and cost more over time with shrewd sellers who figure out what is going on.

Optionally, no one uses them except to buy warcraft credits for the next 100 years, making bitcoins stupid.

Hence why a bunch of libertarian millionaires telling you to buy and use bitcoins. Supply and demand requires demand first.

short answer is Mt. Gox or bitmarket.

here is the main market data chart to choose which market to go with.

that has all the main places you can purchase bitcoins from, but instead, download 3.21, 3.22 seems messed up.

whichever works for you then make a receive address and label it renoise, post it in this thread, so you know where it’s coming from and post that address here. =D

make sure bitcoin is working and has a bunch of connections, sometimes it will get caught in firewalls and won’t have very many connections, you want many connections. At this moment I have only 34 connections because I haven’t figured out where my problem is, I was running without a firewall for awhile and had upwards 70+.

Mt. Gox is where it is happening right now. :D

-payment method is hard,

Wire is probably best for you, but takes like 3 or more so days I think.

******Be super careful with paypal, in fact don’t use it for this.
I’ve read some pretty mean things paypal is doing.

that could change in the future but right now, no way.

yeah you’re right, but there is a thing I don’t understand, right now the amount of bitcoins is growing (until the 21M limit), and the value seems to be growing too.
By the way since every computer connected are mining, and so generating coins, if 10M of coins are deleted, they will be mined again and again until the 21m limit is raised no?


The idea is that there will only ever be 21m coins and that global trading will self adjust based on that knowledge.

There’s no way to know if a coin is deleted, or just “hiding under a mattress”, just like paper money.

And even if it’s somehow known that there is only 1 bitcoin left, then that coin can be divided infinitely and prices adjust.

Bitcoin is a radical idea with a timeline for adoption and implementation, it’s not just “cool, new money!”