Just another look inside our dirty world…no loops, all RENOISE, one take live.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZwjWgJVXgg&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
I like the “key change”
kit is all roland drums. key change…yeah, thats a like it or hate it kind of thing. It makes us laugh. thanks for checking it out.
I liked this 3ms after i clicked the link. Did i hear a little Samael influences there for a moment and some wackyness from Düreforsög? Great job!
Sick shit! So how much is renoise doing? Whats the setup?
Renoise is handling everything. We each run an instance of renoise and sync up via midi (RME soundcards) If you were to see the screen shots in action while we play you dont see any note data. We will often program drum kit changes, sound changes and any other effects that are automated. Renoise is quite powerful for playing live in this fashion. I can load sooooooo many kits and route them all in a way that I can either set the kits to turn on/off with a trigger that I hit or pre=program the changes when I want more complex switches. too fun and opens the floodgates for a drummer. This song is fairly minimal in changes, some snare layers that turn on/off. Layering in Renoise in key!