+1 Button in Forums

Love it, but wouldn’t it be cool to see who voted up a post when you mouse over the green number or something? (Unless it’s already somewhere I haven’t seen)

Just a thought.


Not sure how important they are to begin with, but it would make +1’s less silly. Maybe no guest voting would make sense too. And then if it could go full Facebook… Have a forum bot which tallied all the posts and votes and profiled every user to see where they fall on the Renoise political spectrum. :PP No but what if we just all keep in mind that +1’s are usually worthless?

+1s give you credits in Heaven, but their casino will eventually rip you off anyway.


I have +1’ed your post to neutralize your negativity

We’ll give the “like” system a try for a while, just to see how it feels.

Now you’ll all be held publicly accountable for all the dumb crap you clicked +1 on :wink:


What are +1 and 'Like" buttons supposed to accomplish?

What about a “-” or “doesn’t like” button? That would give a much more unbiased view on opinons.

I recall that there are systems in which you can up and down vote stuff. I think this is much more balanced.

I think this is a cool idea, because sometimes I’ll listen to a song in the song forums, right, and I won’t really have anything to say about it, but I liked it, and would like to convey that.

We’ll give the “like” system a try for a while, just to see how it feels.

Now you’ll all be held publicly accountable for all the dumb crap you clicked +1 on :wink:


Wow, that sucks. It takes the fun out of the whole +1 thing. If I wanted my name next to a post I would write it myself.

What about a “-” or “doesn’t like” button? That would give a much more unbiased view on opinons.

I recall that there are systems in which you can up and down vote stuff. I think this is much more balanced.

When Renoise launched the ability to +1 (Ie. the forum software was updated and this feature was there) it originally had a -1 too but, at the same time some guy who was eventually banned showed up. Short version is that -1 just enraged people to post more crap and/or cause more insanse group think and ganging up on people. It might work today now that the forums aren’t as insane as back when I was a regular (with admin rights) but I I’m on record for saying that this idea sucks.

I think this is a cool idea, because sometimes I’ll listen to a song in the song forums, right, and I won’t really have anything to say about it, but I liked it, and would like to convey that.

Ok, well, yeah… Here I agree. Threads with zero replies but 10 likes don’t feel “loved” and I guess this is a case I would get behind.

I just don’t like the idea of ‘gang posting’ in such a small community like Renoise. Where my crew at? Back me up! Style flamewars…

…or holier than thou retroactive shaming.

I mean I don’t want people to know I liked all that gay porn in that gay porn thread and now I’m outed because of turning on this feature! Wait, those were cats?

When Renoise launched the ability to +1 (Ie. the forum software was updated and this feature was there) it originally had a -1 too but, at the same time some guy who was eventually banned showed up. Short version is that -1 just enraged people to post more crap and/or cause more insanse group think and ganging up on people. It might work today now that the forums aren’t as insane as back when I was a regular (with admin rights) but I I’m on record for saying that this idea sucks.

This is why I asked about the purpose of these buttons. What’s the goal? How can you tell if they are doing what the areintended?

Anecdotally, I find that some feedback or engagement on my posts (here and elsewhere)encouragesme to write more (or better). But I’m far more motivated by actual replies than magic Internet points.

Maybe +1 and Like help in some way. I’m skeptical.

I look at Amazon, with their comment voting system. They ask if you think a comment was helpful, but it seems like 99% of people use them indicate if they think a comment fit their on biases; it has nothing to do withwhethera comment was any way thoughtful, factual, or helpful. That voting system is worse thanuseless; it ends up punishing usefulcriticismand pushing hive-think to the top.

OTOH you have to consider the actual audience and their behavior, so maybe stuff like that would do something useful here. The question is, how would the admins know, and are they going to be watching for abuse?

This is why I asked about the purpose of these buttons. What’s the goal? How can you tell if they are doing what the areintended?

OTOH you have to consider the actual audience and their behavior, so maybe stuff like that would do something useful here. The question is, how would the admins know, and are they going to be watching for abuse?

In the -1 anecdote the feature just didn’t balance things. It simply put a big RED -10 on an angry post, and said poster would be mad that they had a red -10, post about being mad about it, then get more minuses and it kept going from there. In retaliation, he would minus songs in the song forums. Sucked for self-esteem. No-reply threads with -1 or -2. I turned off this feature to calm the threads. Eventually it was figured out that the instigator was a problem regardless and they were banned by some other admin… and the minuses had nothing to do with it? Anyways…

In the context of the Renoise forums, I like +1 because it gives a rhythm to the threads. I look for green posts while reading all the posts equally. Names wreck the rhythm for me. The minuses would wreck that for me too because the color of the post changes to RED and it would actually get noticed instead of ignored. Like a giant gong or buzzer flowing through the threads.

I agree that it doesn’t necessarily motivate the poster but forums for me are an information waste management system, not really a platform.

Edit: Spelling, Clarification

… but this forum an information waste management system. Not really a platform.

I come here to learn stuff, get help, and (when I can ) give help. Not sure how “information waste management system” fits with that.

You come here for that, and it’s appreciated. Thanks!

There are315525 posts in this forum as I type. I think a lot of these post are septic, putrid, and in decay. The flow of information on a forum, for me, functions like a waste management system. That’s my statement.

When you say:What are +1 and 'Like" buttons supposed to accomplish?maybe you are asking a sincere question? But for me it’s “Exactly, they accomplish nothing. Nihilism is fun. Carry on then.”

I actually don’t care enough to warrant 5 posts in this thread. I will still keep liking stuff whether my name is there or not. I’m just not into it that’s all.

Edit: Spelling, Clarification

Love it, but wouldn’t it be cool to see who voted up a post when you mouse over the green number or something? (Unless it’s already somewhere I haven’t seen)

Just a thought.

Is it just me or is this function just added? At least I can see who liked a certain post! Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it just me or is this function just added?

I enabled it last night.

The forum software provides the following options for the “reputation” system:

  • Only positive reputation points (anonymous +1)
  • Only negative reputation points (anonymous -1)
  • Both positive and negative reputation points (anonymous +1/-1)
  • Like system (only positive reputation, names visible)
    We probably won’t bother with the negative stuff, partly for some of the reasons Conner touched on above.

While it might provide a moment of amusement to quickly leave a -1 on a post that you disagree with (for whatever reason), it’s ultimately quite unconstructive and doesn’t really benefit anyone. In actuality, we probably have a handful of jerks on the forum who’d use this -1 system to anonymously troll/grief innocent posts, unnecessarily upsetting or potentially even driving away some community members.

We do aim to keep things mostly positive around here, or at the very least based around constructive criticism. So let’s make it quick and easy for people to be positive and show support for something with a +1 or a like, and a little more time consuming to be negative if someone wants to write a bit of (hopefully constructive) criticism of something. This system works pretty well at automatically filtering out time wasters, I think.

So, with that said, we’re left to choose from the old anonymous +1 system, or the Like system.

For me personally, I know there have been lots of times in the past where I’ve been curious to know who liked a post, who supported an idea, etc. Maybe they didn’t quite have time to write a nice reply at that moment, but they just wanted to quickly be supportive of a post and give their thumbs up. I think it’s a little more interesting, open and transparent, to see some names on the +1’s. I don’t mind it at all.

But like I said earlier, we can just trial run this thing for a while to see how it feels. If it turns out that everyone hates it, then we can reconsider.

I look for green

I’ve tweaked the CSS a bit. Hopefully the likes are now popping out more to your satisfaction? :slight_smile:

For me personally, I know there have been lots of times in the past where I’ve been curious to know who liked a post, who supported an idea, etc. Maybe they didn’t quite have time to write a nice reply at that moment, but they just wanted to quickly be supportive of a post and give their thumbs up. I think it’s a little more interesting, open and transparent, to see some names on the +1’s. I don’t mind it at all.

Ah, so it was Mr dblue who +1’d my PadSynth tweak.

Ah, and you liked my Renoise wav command line pattern splitting under Linux.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Well even Ledger liked my hacked together MiniRoll ‘tool’. Better go and upvote his ‘object oriented’ groove controller lua script to even things up :smiley: