3d Renoise Logo + Wallpaper

This is really cool to see all these stages of your work. I like the industrial grime style a lot so I can’t wait to see the finished product!

awesome. maybe the logo should be in color, and the rest grey like now :)

bit more fence added, master tunnel pipes ~

The idea is to light up the tunnel from behind, that be from deep within the tunnel and outwards, thus creating a contrast from the deep.

Ill see if a rigging device holding the logo will fit and so forth.

Ok,so this quick render concludes todays work session.
I started to play abit with the light on the logo.
Need to start detailing open areas up and model some spot lamps on the logo.
I imagin that along the platform there will be some kind of old worn light features hanging giving a subtile glow.

I have yet to introduce Paticles…and ofcourse it needs particles, particle swarms doing this and doing that.

Finaly, everything needs to be textured in an apropiate manner.

Wow, let`s do 3d shooter instead nibbles
Great work

I only just realized there is a arrow pointing down in the Renoise logo! :ph34r:


is this all a 3d models with textures and stuff?
can you make shots of different angles and various close-ups, too ?
would be nice to have the renoise logo taking up a bit more space on the scene. not that i don’t like the environment, but i’d rather see a renoise logo with environment than environment with a renoise logo ;)

hope you won’t deprive us of the high-res version(s) !

Sure, its a full 3d model so any angle will work.
Ill take a look at the composition and see how we can get the logo cranked up in size.

I actually got an idea which might work or not.

Ill make a small band, drummer, guitarist, basist and 2 backing girls in toon style, I imagin the lead singer beeing a balled white doctor coat, very small and extremly fat. The other guys will follow their own tendency.

So I need to look into building them a stage/scenery, which very well could be hoovering above the tunnel.

And ofcourse the Renoise logo hanging above them.

Ill look into that and change camera for a better off composition right now its a bit steril, you are right keith

something like this perhaps

i was going to say the same. the first images of just the logo are wonderful, but the others make me think i’m seeing a logo in UT2004 level. i love the simple designs so far.

Alright, Ill bin this idea then and restart another concept

I’m envisioning a zoomed in, vectorized version of the Renoise UI in star-wars perspective with the dirty 3d Renoise logo on top :P

That should be possible.
Let me do a displacement map of the ui and have a look.

na wont work pr se. i got a too low resolution to displace it properly.

I can build the entire UI in 3D ofcourse…but I dont feel like doing that at this point.

I need to let it dwell abit and an idea pops up.

are you any good with merging your work with real world images?
like say a sunset on an ocean with renoise. :)

or a mountain, with renoise etched in the side.

or like those pseudo miniature pictures people do when they take a picture of some place and blur certain parts and it makes it look miniature.

a while back i was wanting to make a hypercube with the renoise logo i just couldn’t figure out how i wanted it to look, you could totally do that.

oooo. you could get a real nice picture of one of renoise users studios right.
then could make it look like renoise is extending from monitor. with all the pipes and stuff you like. like renoise: connecting to your world

extending from monitor, sound moniters, computer case, laptop, keyboard, sentiently taking over.

have like a window on the side making it look like a more than 2+ story building. and the pipes and renoise logo, taking over stuff way out in the distance. like a self replicating nanobot with renoise hardcoded in it’s awareness.

I merge CG with images and film on a daily basis at work, recently rented a helicopter and filmed some site that needed 160.000 squaremeter buildings on which i then made in CG.

film rig here

you can see a small example here Illustration of moving contents with CG

Those “pseudo” images is done with a special lens typically called a Tilt-shift lens, you can make a DIY solution but manufactors does produce them. I dont have one atm.
But I got lenses worth 7k dollars :) only 1 zoom, I use primes when I film.

Sure anything imaginable is possible regarding contents.

Fun idea, I need to do some work before I return to this project. When I do I post again.

I love this stuff, really fun to watch your progress.

It just occurred to me that the patterns/hex-codes sometimes looks like the codes from Matrix to uninvited people. Maybe there’s an idea to be developed around that.

Impressive Work Gkmotu!

damn, that short clip of the car is awesome! not using steady-cam only adds to the illusion that you’re filming a perfect miniature replica.

hehe thanks guys!

I recently shot some footage for a commercial over at MTV.

you can see it on my page www.droschler.dk first vid, just click play.

About the background image, its in proccess. I just have to find a nice idea.

Working on a remix of Laid Back atm as well. So I actually get to do some musac.

This is amazing!

I wouldn’t even know where to start with something like this. Really sweet.

Just an idea… The left hand side of the Renoise logo seems unnecessary. I think it would look better if you cut that hanging section off and made the framework fit the lettering a bit tighter.

imo imo imo