3d Renoise Logo + Wallpaper

I second that.

This project is still in the works, I know I pasted alot of images the first couple of days, other stuff just came up - on a note.

Ill post more ideas in the near future.

Apriciate the comments, I dont make this for myself, therefor its important the community says go, before I actually sit down and complete the task.



i had another idea while looking at your previous work again on this.

something i just visualized was the renoise logo with a sphere of light around it, inside a loose dome, based on the same setup as post #23

this would all be in the distance to make for a massive complex of nodes based on the same design all connected going into the distance, some of the domes opened with the renoise geometry ascending with the cameras prespective being similar to being at the edge of a cliff.

or that same perspective neo and trinity had when first seeing the machine city. :D


Add images from the software itself, but very subtle.

Trim the border material from the word RENOISE down a hell of a lot.

Create some sort of theme between the background and the logo. The background is one of the best things I have ever seen, but it needs to have some sort of emotional connection with the software; Why are we all making music in a nuclear power plant? etc… Link it to the viewer, but of course, don’t patronise them.

Also, we are in the next age of computing now…

Why not make the logo a simple animation?

The idea that lead to the powerplant version is very solid and can still be carried out to be fully linked with music.

I wanted to place a cartoon band in the middle with the logo somewhere else.

I do know its dangerous to post WIP’s as you - the audience has not yet seen what the full plan is, yet I know exactly what the outcome should be.

Some good ideas - in the air.

Keep em comming, I will create some space for this in near future - then produce a sumup of what you guys have surgested along with my own angle ofcourse.


hi! my netbook is not fast. and i dont open 3d files =(

please give me big image files from 1-th post.

thx [sorry for bad english]

Thanks for sharing the object gkmotu. Very well done. :)


…::niNja pWn3d::…[/center]

And now for an animated gif and then we have a very luxurious splash screen…

hehe :)

I’ve picked up this project again, expect new stuff in near future.

Really cool stuff!

Would be great if this pro level contributed to a new fresh Renoise splash screen for the final 2.5 version… ;)


…::niNja pWn3d::…