Hi Skolskoly.
I’ll put a few simple steps to make connections between línes in various patterns.Anyone who begins with the automation editor initially found a sea of problems of edition.Not select multiple patterns to copy, paste, drag…
Each pattern is worked separately, and is a burden.Creating lines between patterns is tedious. The best way I use are these steps (I use 10 patterns and Panning parameter:
- Example: the song has 10 patterns of 64 rows (0-63).
- Select “Automation Editor” and Time in “Grid”. Widen the window dragging up maximum to work comfortably.
- Select “Panning” parameter in left list (default selected is “Volume” parameter).
- Left click mouse in pattern four for select this.
- Double left click mouse in “Panning” parameter for create a point in four pattern in the beginningwith default value (center). Initially the Automation Editor working in “linear”.
- Change “linear” per “points” (this helps create lines easily between two widely separated points between patterns).You will have a point with “center” value.
- Left click mouse in pattern nine random,without releasing the left button, drag to the value 30R at the end of the row 63.
- Change “linear” per “points” again.
- Linking the first point to the second point using the line tool (use the mouse wheel to zoom horizontally if necessary).
- Repeat the steps to create sawtooth on these or future patterns (11, 12, 13…).
All these steps serve to create a clean line between two points in two very separate patterns.If you use the line tool continuously, you will have problems in some cases.
Each line through each pattern is defined by 2 points, first one and the second at the end.If you have joined 6 patterns, actually have 12 points.In this case, with a continuous slope line, if you delete an intermediate pattern, you create a rung or jump. To join, you must create a full line of new, erasing earlier.No option to initially change the linear function or points.Need to work with each pattern separately, without being able to select a group of patterns and change.
So yes, I am in part agree with you.With the editor you can work and make lines, but work cased continuously without a global vision within the own edition, and that’s what most angry.
A new way to select multiple patterns in a group would click above each pattern in the editor automation.It would be like a kind horizontal selection button complete pattern.Then copy, cut or drag patterns group.
For me, drag to select multiple patterns in the pattern editor is essential.Perhaps in the future could the matrix editor only joined each parameter automation automation editor used. Select, drag and drop in the matrix editor, without affecting the pattern editor and your notes.
Can develop many new things …
So 2 more ideas:
- Using the Matrix Editoraffecting only the previously selected parameter automation.Expand the Matrix Editor window horizontally to understand.
- Add a button above each pattern in the Automation Editor,to select multiple patterns, copy, cut, paste or drag an drop as a whole.