hello people,
I’m It-Alien, your favourite
Local Chief.
I’m founder of the
AIRA (Akai Import in Renoise Aid).
The goal of this party is to have the Akai/Giga import feature added as soon as possible in ReNoise.
This obviously mean that the whole RNI format should have a review, adding multilayering support, finetune, more slots, and so on… this is quite an amount of work, so I invite you to tell to the developers what do you think about this feature and if you would pay extra $€£ for it.
I know that it is not for money but for passion that they develope ReNoise, but I think that such a good work should be payed.
Think at it: AKAI/Giga import would let us use that samples like RNI’s!
And for saving ram/hd space etc: a list of samples in renoise that you have loaded into the module… so you can reuse them, and a keep-on-disc feature (only shortcuts to the samples/giga are saved in module).
yeah yeah yeah ---- 30gb of akai/giga-sounds on my HD waiting for Renoise import … but i think for giga-import Renoise needs a DirectFromDisc feature like Kontakt or Gigastudio … e.g. the Boesendorfer Piano giga-sound is 1gb big!!!
registered users making a rebellion here good thing only registered users post on this post (so far) we don’t have to create equivalent vote on real WIP page
This would be my number one feature needed with midi import/export.
This would make Renoise so complete, and this would lighten it in the sens you wouldn’t be able to run Kontakt or the Gigastudio while runing Renoise.
And thus the Akai/Gig sounds could receive all the benefits of Renoise DSP treatments…
This might be painful, but I think this is definitely the next step.
If I had to choose I would say forget the AKAI format
Giga is taking over. And its a far more user/pc friendly format.
You cant browse AKAI cd’s (s1/3000 format) without special programs.
And most new really big multilayered/sampled intruments are in .gig format.
Harddrives are big these days. So I think it would be much easier to convert AKAI samples to gig/wav using tools like Awave and cdXtract.
IMO it will be madness NOT to have a giga importer in Renoise
I’d like Akai support before Giga support - I’ve got over 100gigs of Akai samples, only about 10gigs of Giga samples. (And SF2 import would be great too!)
But having direct AKAI/GIGA loading into ReNoise would let us manage that samples just like any oher sample, joining the features of AKAI stuff (multilayering and audio quality, most of all) with the features of RNI (sample offset, easy vibrato, easy gliding, less CPU, no track limitations, just to list some).
By the way, this would certainly lead to the implementation of Direct To Disk sample reading in Renoise. Because some Akai and Gigs are pretty big… (GigaPiano for example…).
would be really great to have the possibility to load gigs directly in renoise. currently i have to load gigastudio, than renoise as sequencer and last cubase for mixing all the gsif and asio channels …
that hurts my 2500 barton really hart
but the gig support would mean a hdd-stream engine, and thats really really hard to code i think…