Alternate Sources of Impulse Responses in Convolver DSP device

I would like to see alternative sources for Impulse Responses in the Convolver DSP device, beyond disk-only. Being able to select a sample/buffer from the samples list from all instruments would be a good start.

This would enable users to truly build and apply impulse responses directly from Renoise without having to go a 3rd party editor.

Example workflow: capture “essence” of modular analog signal path

  1. Make impulse sample in Renoise, say, 100 samples at 1, the rest at 0. Just a big click.
  2. Apply sample to track for 8 steps
  3. Sample the click passing through modular patch
  4. Select New Sample as IR to Convolver
  5. Profit

The limits of convolution still apply (linear, time invariant systems… so not all modulations will be captured).

As for the method of Sample selection, I have no specific requirements for this, but I assume the following could help:

  1. filtering samples in the pool by a search term
  2. organizing samples in pool by instrument, Set, etc

Sorry if I’ve overlooked existing solutions.

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Agreed! +1

yes I like this idea! +!

I would love to see the waveform of the impulse loaded … + start marker end marker

+1 bump

missed opportunity being unable to edit and use the impulse inside the Renoise environment.


Was looking for a way to quickly get the sample from Renoises sample editor into the native convolution dsp device today. Would love to right click the waveform in the sample editor & select copy and paste it into a convolver device, but afaik not possible right now?


That would be sweet. I right click the sample I want as an impulse in the samples list, select “save sample as” then I have a shortcut to my impulse library handy, so it’s pretty quick… But yeah, would be great to have the option right there without the rigamarole
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Screen Shot 2022-08-01 at 11.21.19 AM


hi guys. this exists in Paketti, thanks for @Jonas for the original request pointed at me.

and for @OopsIFly for the help with base64 encoding.

you are provided with shortcuts and menu entries. how it works is this:

right-click on a convolver device. you can Export the sample inside the convolver device to sample editor. a new instrument is created. the sample is exported into it. the sample editor is displayed. you can now edit your sample.
then you right-click on the sample, or the convolver device, and select “import selected sample to convolver”.

you can also go to any single sample, and go “import selected sample to convolver”.

here’s some screenshots:

so yes, after installing Paketti, you can:

  1. export the current IR from Convolver into a new instrument
  2. import any selected sample to an IR within a Convolver device.

i think that takes care of this suggestion.

i’m, as always, interested in ideas for new features or tweaks to currently existing functions inside Paketti. do let me know.