Sounds very interesting indeed. I doubt most of my stuff would be possible to lay down any vocals for, one recent track springs to mind though as it actually has a “tune” and “song structure”, or so I’m told - Ava
Let me know if you’re interested, and also if you need a renoise file…
dddodgyrecordingscom or alexstrainyahoocom, or just spam it up in here
Alexstrain: Sorry but I couldn’t download your file
Mickripp: The only material I’ve got avalible are some unfinished songs, but if you want to hear them i can send them to you.
Sonus: I’ve chosen “a new vision” but I think its a bit to long, so Sagosen has done some chopping work I will work on the song tomorrow and start recording as soon as Kristians pc can record again. Hopefully tomorrow. The other songs were too much hip hop for me, though there were some brilliant stuff on glitch! The electro beginning and the saxophone chorous were really cool, but the conga-party have to go and the song should be shortened for me to sing on it. Do you have anything more rocked?
escii: I might write too abstract lyrics and my english really isnt that great. I’m mostly interested in writing both text and melody, but we could always try!
I’d just be getting an idea of your range and the type of voice you have to see if it fits my style of writing! (I used to write for femme vocals all the time with my guitar, but never in the computer world).
Maybe you could kindly ask Sassy to put some of your unfinished snippets onto his FTP. Or if you have access to MSN, then add me [at] … or install/use Skype (my Skype ID is MickRip). Skype’s cool because I can plug my guitar in.
lol… this is a rather unusual request. off course every musician could use a vocalist
I’ve counted so many threads from ppl desperately seeking for someone who can sing, mine included.
how about making a new version of this? Fade to Grey
Not much to sing but the hook of the song with a sexy voice or make up your own lyrics… if you’re available off course.
welcome in the renoise forum. !
I’ve been here through the whole process, recording for Sonus & (briefly) alexstrain, it’s been really awesome recording her! Can’t believe she’s hardly ever been told she’s any good. Weird world. Looking forward to record even more with her and your tunes, it’s also giving me lots of inspiration, totally a win-win-situation.
MickRip, Kcirr3d & escii, she’ll get back to you tomorrow or something I guess. Damn it’s getting late… 4 AM!!
argh I cant get it to download fast enough, much anticipation here
Sagosen: I see this whole forum as having a kind of inspirational snowballing effect. I’ve never seen anywhere like this before, where artists sit down and give honest, humble and constructive oppinions and advice on each others work without sparing a moment for egotistical vibes. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling
Why do I have to be going out tonight?!!
I dont even have time to listen through it all right now, but can I just say, you have a very sweet (in the traditional sense) voice, Henrietta. I can hardly wait to play around with it all…mmmm…yummy…beautiful samples pre-made to the right speed and pitch for the track they are to be added to
Will keep you up to date as things progress (which no doubt will happen pretty fast)
I’m interested as well, i have two work in progress tracks, where i think vocals would fit well. One is an ambient/downtempo/pop thing, the other one more experimental melodic breaks track, where i have something like Andrea Parker in mind (Album: Kiss My Arp), which i would be willed to soften if interested. I’ve added a third one, which is nearly complete, maybe vocals could freshen it up, no idea, i’ll let you decide.
I’ve sent the link to Henriette.
Some listening examples for Andrea Parker - Kiss My Arp: Click
Unfortunatly most previews end, before the vocals can be heard.
Only, I’m being quite selfish about it all. I’m just being a nice guy so I can leech you peoples fantastic music for my own enjoyment on my mp3-player and then give to all my friends to add to my own popularity!
SO anyway, Sonus will put up a track by him and Henriette asap I guess. Which I think rocks.
Btw, it may seem like I post for her quite a bit, but that’s only cos we practically live together, I’m “always” on the computer and she just tells me to write this and that for her.
If you are ever short something to do, I’ll be eternally keen to collaborate on something else.
By the by, I’ve played the track to a few people who normally hate all electronica (ie, one guy that has played rock bands for 25 years…) and they’ve all commented that it sounded really good with your singing over it.; each had their own comments about how nice your voice sounds. You were compared to Bjork and Kylie Minogue (heh!)
Hey! Thank you for the compliments:)
Bjørk and Kylie Minogue that was a spesial mix i must say. Just send me the songs and i will try to make something out of it