Assignable Midi I/o Ports For Vst Instrument Banks

I’ve heard the suggestion before here that the way to get renoise’s vst instruments to speak MIDI is to use energy XT.

It’s a neat workaround. But…

Is it in the plans to teach VST instrument banks to finally speak and understand MIDI natively like many other DAWs do?

There are several apps out there (MidiQuest, CTRLR, Max/MSP/rekon etc etc) which allow you to build panels for hardware synths that can be loaded as vsts in your DAW. I’d really love to be able to use them in my daw of choice (renoise) without using energy xt.


(edited to clarify request)

I’ve managed to get renoise doing what I want with a ctrlr instance but It necessitates using midiyoke, midiox and an additional MIDI instrument slot in Renoise.

If we were able to assign a midi in port to a vst instrument all within renoise this extra routing and bloating would not be necessary.

Ctrlr takes care of setting which midi port it speaks out of, but there is no way within renoise to assign a MIDI port to a vst instrument, like… say FruityTootStudio does. .

come on… FLP can do this. I know this isn’t the first time this has been discussed on these forums. . . any developer care to take a moment to respond to this request??

thank you!

Are you saying FLP is like a cheap toy, and Renoise should be better than a toy? Like some sort of taunt?

Not to distract from the feature request, but Fruity Loops is exceptionally good software programmed by very smart people used by hundreds of thousands of people with a lot of support from VST vendors.

Renoise not having the ability to do something MIDI is because it’s tracker first, just started to get mainstream vendor support in the last few years (barely), with MIDI as an afterthought. (MIDI does not support the ability to have more than one instrument per track, tracker effects are incompatible, the list goes on…)

MIDI support in Renoise is pretty good now compared to the early days and will hopefully get better. It will never be as good as a sequencer built around the way MIDI partitions data streams, though.

Good feature request. The FLP taunt is kind of off-putting though.


See MIDI input instrument section in Renoise please. This does not route outputs and affects the whole instrument in Renoise though.

@Conner re fruitytoots
no I’m stating a fact - flp has done this for ages, I prefer using renoise, and I am asking for that feature in renoise - the daw I prefer using.

I’m not sure if youre eluding to imageline here but FruityLoops actually started as a simple drum machine and loop maker… hence the name. MIDI was without a doubt quite an afterthought in flp as well.

Actually I recall quite clearly the VERY strong pushback I got from flp developer Didier “Gol” Dambrin when requesting further expansion of MIDI capabilites in FLP in 2000 when all they seemed to care about was VST support and making FLP a VST. At the time I was told… quite literally by Gol on the forum to “just use cubase”. priceless.

anywhoo… yes quite a detraction. too bad it seems to require comparisons to get a request noticed sometimes. pretty common in software development to compare/contrast to what else is out there.

Taktik -
Thank you… how did I ever miss this? I can hardly wait to get back to my studio tonight to dive into this… How new is this MIDI input tab?

For those who are interested in expanding renoise’s MIDI capabilties I highly recommend looking into ctrlr . It requires some time, patience, OCD anal retentiveness and Lua scripting know-how but is free and well worth the efforts. You certainly get back more than you put in.

I’ll go spread this news about the MIDI input tab over on the ctrlr forums… I wasn’t the only one who missed this in the latest renoise dev.

(edited to combine replies and remove unnecessary ramblings about DAWS and MIDI gear suport)

Well, flp may had it for years, don’t forget that flp also had multiple developers for years while Renoise only had 1 for many years and one who had to make priorities and also share some family quality time.
Renoise now has 4 developers who do a hell of a job so a lot of stuff is going quicker now and this is noticable because also on the Midi area a lot of stuff is currently happening that had been postponed for years.

hands down. every new release and update has been like xmas as a child… 2.7 actually convinced me to sell my Akai Z8 sampler, a piece I never dreamed I’d get rid of.

Somehow (probably due to the fact that I was so busy setting up bazillions of new xrnis) I missed the MIDI input selector at the far bottom left and indeed Renoise has this handled now! I’ll be less snarky in the future when I refer to feature requests - but you have to realize I had to bump this thread with the fruitytoots reference before anybody cared to touch this subject… and apparently it worked ;)

cheers and thanks again for renoise.

What you talking about? This thread is from after that release so has absolutely nothing to do with that feature being implemented!! I thought you were referring to routing MIDI from one plug-in to another, which I believe still isn’t possible, otherwise I would of mentioned that earlier…

hahaha ok.
“Is there any way to tell a vst instrument to receive midi input from a specific MIDI device?”, is probably how I should have stated my original question here and my original topic I posted about this back in may.

Of course now I see there is. I missed this addition of the collapsed “MIDI IN” tab going up the left hand side of every instrument bank… and am assuming it’s new since 2.7.

Renoise 2.7 also introduced the re-write of the XRNI format, answering one of my long time renoise wish list items for velocity and keyzones. Being busy spending hours on end building new XRNIs with my sound library I didn’t spend much exploring anything MIDI in 2.7…

ok… can we move on now ? ? I’ll be busy making music so will probably miss any further replies to this thread. :)