Audio Crackles and VST performance probs with Renoise 3

Congratulations, after 10 years of success, the team has shot itself and users in the foot!

Not only is the plugin loader/view blocking the edit view, and you have to click edit to “go back”, and also the vst host is dead slow! some vst react slow, some dont. 2.8 has all in perfect shape!

moving stuff around that has been in work for years, is a big annoyance.

the top view waveform view is of no use at all, its too lores to be used for anything, so why even have it ?

just mute a channel instead by clicking it! in the edit!

The tread “suggestions and ideas” is the root of much problems, you let “wont do it myself” composers, suggest cool stuff to do their work for them, and after a bunch of updates, its becoming a mess.

This is how it goes with all user input software, like open source too. It becomes bloaty and inconsistent.

I dont know what to do with this 3.0 version… at least it dont run VST properly, so i must continue my journey in Studio One, and see 200 tunes go down the drain, because i cannot get the patterns over as midi data, i can only get samples… i have no idea how to port music from renoise to a conventional midi DAW…

Im lost, and im also sorry that this message sounds negative and even offensive. but, oh crap

Lol, Renoise has best VST recognization and loading i know. Seriously, just Reaper and Cubase are in the same league.

i have no idea how to port music from renoise to a conventional midi DAW…

You can use the MIDI Convert tool:

Speaking of slow VST loading, can you demonstrate how 2.8 performs any better or different? Because, the implementation really shouldn’t be different. Running plugins in a sandboxed environment (32/64bit) will definitely cause them to respond more slowly, but this again should not be fundamentally different from 2.8.

Edit: regarding the waveform/scopes display: I have a suggestion (!!!). I would like to see a “scale” option, which would allow you to adjust the vertical sensitivity of the scopes. For some reason, I often mix my songs so quiet that there is almost no visual feedback. The waveform editor has this feature, and it’s very useful when working with very quiet samples.

Right now, I switch to the spectrum to see what is going on…and of course, Renoise 3.0 allows usto resize the whole upper tab which also helps to alleviate some of this (self inflicted) pain.

Not only is the plugin loader/view blocking the edit view, and you have to click edit to “go back”, and also the vst host is dead slow! some vst react slow, some dont. 2.8 has all in perfect shape!

I take it you don’t have the luxury of 2 monitors, to have the instrument editor on another screen, pattern editor on the other? You can also select vsti from the diskop, click the arrow toggle of the ‘instrument properties’ and use the start shaped icon to configure stuff like vsti selection.

moving stuff around that has been in work for years, is a big annoyance.

You will get used to it eventually. Imo the pro’s of this new version weigh up against the cons.

the top view waveform view is of no use at all, its too lores to be used for anything, so why even have it ?

just mute a channel instead by clicking it! in the edit!

I don’t get what you mean with this, with top view waveform, the scopes?

This is how it goes with all user input software, like open source too. It becomes bloaty and inconsistent.

With new versions will come new features that not everyone uses. What do you feel is bloat right now? I don’t use phrases, track grouping or the possible vst/fx chains in the instrument editor and can still make music without Renoise feeling slower.

I dont know what to do with this 3.0 version… at least it dont run VST properly,

Probably vst(i) specific as there haven’t been complaints on the vst handling in general, what vst’s pose problems for you, have you checked the bug forum for similar problems?

i have no idea how to port music from renoise to a conventional midi DAW…

Does studio one support rewire?

Not only is the plugin loader/view blocking the edit view, and you have to click edit to “go back”, and also the vst host is dead slow! some vst react slow, some dont. 2.8 has all in perfect shape!

Well, I also think that vst communication is quite slow. Also some guis seem to be more slow than in other hosts (OSX). You will see it if storing presets in complex plugins. But you can improve the speed by 1. not using the plug in bridge (for me its the best to stay 32bit) 2.disable plugin bridge. Renoise still saves a project while crashing. You should only use stable plugins then.

EDIT: Oh, sorry. 2. disable SANDBOX not just plugin bridge

i did not have any problems that you mentioned… sorry bad for you.

… also the vst host is dead slow! some vst react slow, some dont. 2.8 has all in perfect shape!

This kind of reports are pretty useless. What about some details? Name your slow vst plugins, what os do you use, 32bit? 64bit? Nothing will be changed in future, if you dont report your bugs/problems correctly!

I have a suggestion (!!!). I would like to see a “scale” option, which would allow you to adjust the vertical sensitivity of the scopes.


@SIDwave as the others said, it’s hard to help you out here without any details.

A quick guess: probably you are using the 64bit version of Renoise 3.0, but previously used the 32bit version of Renoise 2.8?
If you have a lot of 32 plugins, those plugins then must be used via the plugin bridge. This bridging always creates a little bit of overhead (and this can’t be avoided - happens in every host).

Or probably you’ve enable the sandboxing option for plugin by accident? See -> “Run all plugins in sandboxes” should be disabled for maximum performance

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Edit: regarding the waveform/scopes display: I have a suggestion (!!!). I would like to see a “scale” option, which would allow you to adjust the vertical sensitivity of the scopes. For some reason, I often mix my songs so quiet that there is almost no visual feedback. The waveform editor has this feature, and it’s very useful when working with very quiet samples.


i found out the audio problems were caused by the soundcards being in 24 bit mode.

i set them to 16, and all is working.

so, i guess theres a little bug there, with the 3.0

2.8 runs just fine with 24 bit.


probably its more because of 32 Bit? My Behringer is fca1616 is working just fine 24 bit / 96 kHz. I only got crackles from the GUI, f. i when I use the mouse in the pattern editor or the scopes and so on. So I suppose it`s more a problem of the graphics card which could be related to the developing environment. QML also has problems with certain nvidia cards and / or intel chips and its drivers on certain machines.