:( Bad Midi Recording. Leaving Renoise Now :(

“Also, Cubase has been out since the 80s…”

And I’m down with the ladies.

Cubase Version 1.0 (Atarti) 1989. Before Pro24 / Pro16

:slight_smile: yes, ReNoise sucks while live-recording. But since Version 2.7 not as much as before. And it does´nt matter if there is one or four developers/porogrammers. If a softwarecompany tell people realtimerecording works, then maybe it had to do … simple as that!
And ReNoise is unusable in some situations while scrolling/sync and other problems.

But no problem again for me.

For those kind of work I changed now back to Ableton-Live and tomorrow (special-price) I´ll update to suite version 8.

Yes I know. and now there will be many peaople who´ll scream “what I´m talking about?!”, and that they know all about ReNoise. But sorry, I know too and I know what I´m talking about too … :slight_smile:


no, because you are saying ‘no problem for me’, and you figure out your work-around and don’t do 4 different forum posts that are essentially the same thing, i’m sure there will be loads less people asking you what you are talking about. the issues are acknowledged. feature requests are always read and discussed by the devs and the community, and people are generally open to new ideas for improvements. but endless bitching and moaning (his words) are another thing.

I told about a workaround (sync). Never said it works right!
And because recording MIDI I told “does not work ok” / and “is not fix”. And some other themes … Please read.

Ok, you does not understand. I see! Sorry for that.

will be loads less people asking you what you are talking about”. maybe, but:

a loads less people understood what I mean! They use ReNoise like that, so that they need that feature I´m talking about. And I / we show it sometimes at show´s / fairs / schools where users wanted to be informed / or ask which kind of software they´ve to buy / works best … and students / musicians / people understand

Sorry, I know that ReNoise is holy for some users like you! Thats ok.
I only postet to the theme/thread. Wrote that there are really some problems (since a long time). Whats wrong? It was a short and correct answere. And why nobody has to say that he want to change now? I said and do. Thats all.

Hey JsS, what post are you talking about? Because I think that Rhowaldt did understand what you wrote, so maybe you are talking about a different post/thread, or something?

Anyway, as I just compared recording in 4 LPB to drawing a picture in 32x32 pixels, I realized that this is actually quite a good metaphor for Renoise - there is always a certain degree of quantization in it’s sequencer, so you can actually compare it to a pixel-based software like Photoshop. Cubase would then be more like Illustrator (which is vector-based).

When you draw a new picture in Photoshop, you have to decide which size you want it to be - instead of X/Y, you get to choose the LPB/BPM and ticks per line. This is also why dblue’s fractional resize tool is bloody awesome, because now we can actually change the size at any point in the composing process. And the work that the has done to improve the timing engine (delay column, new tempo system) could then be compared to having “temporal anti-aliasing”.

@JdS: you must’ve misunderstood me. i indeed love Renoise but that does not mean i think it is perfect. personally i just don’t need this feature, so i stay out of the technical side of this discussion. you should check out comments by guys like danoise for that.

That. Is. Awesome.

Cubase 22 years (1989) Renoise 9 years (2002) so Cubase has been out over twice as long and originally started as MIDI only.

Both are still far from perfect and often trying to improve themselves. Steinberg are a large company with a large team of programers and large userbase, Renoise is the work of few people who do most the coding in their own time.

I really don’t get the point you were trying to make!

Cubase! Where is the sick puking smiley when you need it!?


You’ll have to settle for

I hate how cubase sounds. It may sum the same, but it doesnt generate stuff and sounds the same, i have tried to get plugins i love in renoise to sound right in cubase and cant, always has this dull fuzzy sound no matter what.

Maybe, I think: Because some musicians can play Keyboard and wanna do some more “floating”, “creative” and “complex” music that really cannot typed in step by step.

AND: because ReNoise presents it´s own with the feature of “realtime-recording”! That why I bought it too, and many, many other users too.

But, (i think not only) I wrote it some month (and years ago too), that it will be really nice if ReNoise will get a button “don´t quantice Note-OFF”. Actually we´ve again and again to handle with workarounds. And that is a hint for a very nice workflow. Will be really fine if we can see sometimes a button like this.
To change resolution will not allways help out because then there are often some other realtime-problems.

:drummer: My feature-sugg.: A button: “Don´t Quantize Note-OFF” :-).

:wacko: Because quantize Note-Off´s with same res. like Note-On does really not often make sense and results more then one time in other problems withing ReNoise´s realtimerecording-feature.

He tells, so that other people know´s about that “problem” too. And because that thread, some people now see, that ReNoise is a tracker and because that, the “realtimerecording” is not like that many user wish and sometimes knows only from other applications (“DAW´s”) maybe.

For beginners it´s really hard to understand. But, really, if ReNoisers (you too?) write, that the app can do realtime recording, then it logical, that a buyer don´t think about that there maybe is a different to a DAW. And after buying he´s frustrated. I can understand …

And sorry, creativity is for to make the music in a nice flow, not to put time in searching for workarounds in musicsoftware :rolleyes:

Never read this on the “ReNoise”-Productpages ??!! You shure, or it´s only you deffinition, your feeling?

You postet this answere more than one time, in different threads here in Forum, so I asked where ReNoisers wrote this.

It’s primarily a programming app. Recording is supported, however.

agree 100%. its a pain in the ass to handle stabby playing and the funky way of playing keyboard.