Hi Keith303,

to answer your questions :

  1. The entries will be annonymous for the voting only. Once the voting is done we will put up the tracks with the respective authors, credit where credit is due ;)

  2. no, see above

  3. put the name on the file name … keith303-my_song.rns for example

  4. yes, the size limit is for compressed files (zip, rar, ace whatever)

  5. the voters decide, as objectivly as possible, how good the track is and how well it fits the theme. There are no requirements style wise. Thats why we chose a theme instead of imposing a style.

hope this help ;)

argh some one change this " ;) "
it’s the most depressive smiley i’ve ever seen.

actually, I’ve been using it like that many times…
so if it’s changed to a better one, the meaning of
many posts might change ;)

thanks celsius, now i finally can get some sleep… :blink:

please don’t get me wrong, but should’nt people who are involved with the voting / tune submission procedure refrain from taking part in the compo?
after all you’re the one who receives all entries first hand and i’m not saying that you’re not a trustworthy person, but theoretically you could perform thievery of diversified nature being able to hear all tunes before others can. ;)


As I am the only person organising this who wants to enter, i guess this is directly aimed at me.

yes I recieve the tunes, but I dont listen to them until after finishing mine of course.

But theoretically i could “perform thievery of diversified nature”. As you seem to be a little paranoid about this, maybe it would be best if i don’t enter.

You are the only person who mentionned this, but i don’t want to be accused of cheating at a later stage, so i shall withdraw my entry.

ok, please let me clarify my point of view before you ultimately start to hate me. :huh:
there’s no way i wanted to accuse or suspect you for eventually doing something bogus in the future concerning this beatbattle.
it merely seemed a bit uncommon and odd to me, that someone organizing a competition is taking part in it himself - but probably it’s only me regarding this matter that earnest.
i definately didn’t want to destroy you the fun of it all or hinder you from contributing. just forget about my previous post and apologize me for being so small-minded. (no, i’m NOT ironic).

peace out.

don’t withdraw your entry, celsius. even if the world stopped rotating and you DID decide to steal stuff, people are going to hear the songs! if two sounded at all similar it’d be very obvious what was going on ;)

my point is that you’re not really at any advantage over the rest of the contestants, so there’s no need to withdraw - the closest thing to an advantage that i can think of is if you hear stuff and think ‘okay, THIS is what i have to beat.’ and then make stuff that beats it :P

p.s. I LIKE ;)

Keith303: Hehe, I think you’ve been exposed to too many lamers… There are (to my knowledge) none here, so I think purist rules aren’t necessary here. :D

Man, just picturing Celsius (let’s brag about’im a bit now), one of the legends in tracking, RIPPING OFF somebody else? As unlikely as seeing Jogeir Liljedahl, Lizardking, or even you, keith…

Tho, on another note: the one who gathers the samples should not enter, cos he/she WILL have an advantage. I mean, the individual should be able to post his/her tune online, but not be voteable.

Don’t worry, being the last beatbattle winner I had to create samplepack and theme for BB2… but I was never intended to take part to the compo I am organizing…

…this means of course that there is no Parsec’s tune this time around… therefore I am unable to post any song online or having anyone voting or not voting for a tune I haven’t composed at all :lol:

While, instead, I don’t see any good reason for Celsius not to take part to the compo… having other entries at hand before they’re officially spread for voting time… gives you advantage if you want to / are going to bet money on who’s the winner… but it’s not big deal if you have to compose music for the compo ;)

Never expected you to, just pointing out my points of view while I’m at it. :P

My, aren’t we all apologetic and careful here! :rolleyes:

the easter mede this compo very stressy… I have to finish my tune tonight if I shall not miss to send it in… gash :(
I guess I have to send it in half-finished… cause I have lot of ideas that I won’t have time to finish…

Ok, I’m ready with the BB2 track and sent it to Celsius.
Can’t wait what you others will throw in the battle. B)

You did some blues? :P


heh… 24th isn’t on all the planet yet :)

hmm… i thought it’s 9-23 inclusive 23th… well… who cares…


Deja vu is definitaly my fav so far!!!

still gotta listen to the rest tho, but still, GREAT job!!!

Funky as hell!!


This i like, very much!!!

PS: Sounds like swedish music B)


Now 23th has past even in Nuku’alofa so now I think it is ok to put up the entries again :D

Yes, I’m nervous too. :unsure:
