As next episode of Remixta is going to be released on the early 2009, it is going to be a lookback episode playing all the best tracks from year 2008. For this I am asking your help. What are your favourite Renoise tracks from year 2008? Share this stuff with me. Send me your favourite track names and if possible link to the track to my private message, or email. Also add your contact info.
Send up to 5 of your favourite tracks to:
My PM in Renoise forums
To email: s_u_v_a(at) (Remove ALL underscores)
Add your contact info
Don’t propose your own tracks.
Renoise Demo songs don’t count.
You have time until the end of the year 2008.
I will give away one Renoise T-Shirt to a random person who gives atleast 3 of his favourite tracks.
this is the tune i made month ago, was fired on Hospital podcast - that’s where the rip is from hopefully has a bright future in 2009 , fingers crossed
B-Complex already said that he can’t give this track to me as it’s going to be released under Hospital soon enough. I may contact the label personally if really neccesary, cause I am such kind of bitch.
If you want to, you can make one, but this probably just oversaturates the situation. The idea is: Good track is memorable track. So people probably remember the best tracks already.
Also I would like to remind you that I am not actually building Top 10. Ofcourse the most mentioned songs will get special attention, but it’s not a competition. It’s about finding the great tracks released in this year that are still in peoples minds and souls.