Bitwig 2 ....160 annual upgrade

Well that it’s relative to the knob position , the first point of the handle = initial point of the parameter.

This all makes sense when your using next gen .controllers as seaboard/ roli/ Linn etc…when using the depth/z axis …

Say your cutoff is @ 12 o’clock and you assingn timbre mod ( 180 ° pos.modulation )

If you then draw a timbre handle going from 100´% to 0 ,it goes from it’s intial cut-Off value to a negative .,iow modulation is not added

If timbre is set to NON relative , it would go from full modulation → back to it’s initial state.

It’s best to draw some ’ V ’ and inverted ’ V ’ shapes to hear it …

Tha’ts why the chaos didn’t work on timbre , because the random values of the handles were always equal the initial value of the modulated parameter , non relative fixes this

Thanks for this information, but I still don’t get it why at least two values and a delta between them is needed to cause a modulation effect at all.

Pretty awesome FOR A DAW ;

Modulating dc off set with lfo (khz range ) , keytracked an other stuff

Lfo @ aliases at around 1khz (or rather the incremental speed of the dc module …which probably isn’t optimised ) , but they …it’s fun

Thanks for this information, but I still don’t get it why at least two values and a delta between them is needed to cause a modulation effect at all.

Because , when your playing the roli seaboard ( or any similar type keyboard ) , if you rest two fingers , one at the upper position of the y axis of a key , one at the middle position of the y-axis ( another key ) , they are both at the initial state of the parameter

You can then slide from that position to another, iow modulate , with your two ( and many others ) , one finger can go up , the other down …they are both offsetting from the initail value , no matter where your fingers were placed ( first pressure point ) .

too bad there isn’t a noise osc.

Almost completely rebuild microtonic .

-test gen ,controlling amp by adsr

lfo (khz) —>test gen pitch .

Damn ,it’s nicer to build your own drumcomputer with the modulators then the standard drum modules ( which are proably built in the same way )

This thread is baffling…we’re here in the renoise forum, with a dude posting endlessly about how much he loves Bitwig 2 and how he doesn’t use renoise anymore…cool story dude, maybe take it over to the bitwig forum?

comparing / ranking renoise vs. any other daw is absurd, as it’s not even trying to compete with them. it’s a tracker! they aren’t!

I used bitwig 1 for a while to compare it to ableton, and thought it was “perfectly fine” but saw no reason to leave Ableton, which I have tons of experience / tools invested in.

but replacing renoise with either of 'em? No way! They aren’t trackers, they can’t do what renoise / trackers do…

This thread is baffling…we’re here in the renoise forum, with a dude posting endlessly about how much he loves Bitwig 2 and how he doesn’t use renoise anymore…cool story dude, maybe take it over to the bitwig forum?

there is no news about Renoise, nothing to discuss about anymore. that’s why I like it if bitwig is discussed here. and the bitwig forum sucks, it s a mess. why not use this forum then?

That’s not really bad or to be unexpected for professional software with good support. IMO it’s not worth the risk of jumping aboard yet. It remains to be seen if they’re going to make it worth the investment, and if they’re not just going to run out of steam. Renoise may not get frequent updates, but by god it’s proven it has staying power. 15 years of Renoise. You can go back and open Renoise files from ages ago, and provided there are no plugins to worry about, it will open and run. This is no small part of why I’m committing to Renoise, and also why I’m trying to work out a plugin-less workflow.

cool :slight_smile:

Sequencing using mouseclicks on a pianoroll is terrible compared to tracker style note entry with keyboard.

I was looking into learning ableton recently because it has some nice features renoise doesnt like audiotracks and pitchshift+timestretch.

I really dont like the pianoroll. It can’t equal the efficiency of pattern and track navigation in renoise and other trackers ( ‘tab, shift-tab, home, end, page up, page down’ style of doing things ).

Also if I want to do a sequence that jumps octaves a lot I have to scroll up, scroll down so much. Really tedious.

In renoise I can go through every octave like C4, C5, C6, C7 …its just notes with octave numbers in a list, no scrolling. Much better.

I still have to spend some time to learn ableton though. Heard bitwig is nice too. Midi, audio and automations all visible at once per track.

Expensive though…I’d buy it for $75.99.

like software but is a never ending story of burning money
a friend of mine is currently building a modular system together, so i get what is currently there with it. mutable instruments builds all-rounder modules, doepfer darkenery as rackformat, west coast crazy synthesis and so on

times are changing, does not take much space today for a flexible system, i think in the long term that’s probably cheaper than pc power / update hungry software from bitwig, ableton, steinberg, native Instruments or apples cloud shit (how can i hack my ipad? )

Indeed the Renoise forum is legendary.

Quoting this because it’s so true. I love this forum :slight_smile:

I don’t spend nearly as much time here as I want to, even already limiting it to just posting about technical stuff and crazy hacks I’ve come up with (to be fair I might actually be better at that than making actual finished tracks but that’s cool, my road’s always been an odd one). I love the fact that there’s a bunch of people here who think about music & sound in a similar way as I do, know their DSP fundamentals and we’re all trying to punch the same tool into doing whatever we want :slight_smile:

And of course the demoscene roots. To be a bit more exact the tracking scene was a separate thing, but we did mingle at the parties (used to be a 4k democoder back in the day, released my last 4096b at Mekka & Symposium 2000, not very good with the music back then so I got help for the patterns, but I did hand-code my own homebrew 1100 byte softsynth–part of that last 4k–which is where I got my DSP chops), but we come from the same nest :slight_smile:

Oh and besides that, we just got a nice vibe here, everyone. Happy holidays and such! ^^

roland cloud - change the world through music

bravo roland shit.gif

I’m having a bit of WTF moment here. They cannot be serious about this… Bitwig doesn’t have a takes system? If you record a loop it just overwrites the previous loop! I googled “how to choose a take” because I couldn’t figure out how to choose one, and the reason seems to be simply that there_are no takes_. You can overwrite or overdub and that’s it. What in the name of fuck! I am just absolutely floored, how can this be real? Even fucking Garageband has takes!

edit: Oh my god it’s true, it’s on the feature wishlist:

This software is 4 years old… this is not a good sign.

New waveform 9 has nice modulators also…

In Bitwig you are meant to use the clips for multi takes, AFAIK. Yes, Bitwig lacks of lot of “more than basic” functionality. Sometimes they just act like the Renoise-team, doing it always in their very own way and do not caring for common standard features…

A real pity is that there is no scripting. I mean that scripting Renoise is quite a unique feature, with all that GUI, shortcuts, pattern manipulation, hell even OSC functionality.

Also Bitwig is quite proprietary and has no open-minded file format at all. So the opposite of Renoise. They like you to be dependent on them. Bitwig is not open-minded.

But of course Bitwig also has very powerful sides, too.

This software is 4 years old… this is not a good sign.

^_^, well Renoise is now 16 years old and still has no “take system”. The last Renoise release was two years ago. So reading this in the Renoise forum is really funny.
Anyway, recording never was a strength of DAW’s like Renoise and Bitwig. If you need a high end take recording system you should use Reaper. For recording and wav editing it’s one of the best DAW’s and it’s kind of free for non-professional use.

NAMM 2018 is at 25-jan. The bitwig team are currently offering a discount until 15-jan. So I assume they will after that announce Bitwig 3 and showcase it on NAMM. Which assumingly means I will not get Bitwig 3 or any further update for free, because my annual subscription ends at end of february :stuck_out_tongue:

^_^, well Renoise is now 16 years old and still has no “take system”. The last Renoise release was two years ago. So reading this in the Renoise forum is really funny.
Anyway, recording never was a strength of DAW’s like Renoise and Bitwig. If you need a high end take recording system you should use Reaper. For recording and wav editing it’s one of the best DAW’s and it’s kind of free for non-professional use.

Sure Renoise doesn’t have it, but it’s also a tracker that costs $80. When a DAW is being sold for $400, I absolutely do expect a bog standard feature like this. And they expect it to apparently, since it’s on their to-do. Closest thing to Bitwig would be Live, no? I’m pretty sure Live has takes. I can’t think of a non tracker DAW that doesn’t.

I hope it comes soon, I’m really enjoying it otherwise.

I will wait for NAMM news. If there is no real improvement in GUI speed, I think I will sell Bitwig and switch to something classic, but solid, like S1, Ableton 10 or so. Really, the thing I hate the most is a slow GUI. S1 is blazingly fast regarding that here, also Cubase and Ableton. In the end, a DAW must be coded completely in C++ (or similar low level compile) and support recent gfx standards in OSes, easily adapt to OS-changes. If not, it will turn into a disaster sooner or later. Also you should carefully test your choosen lib for heavy graphics first.

Also a pity regarding Renoise, it is well and fast coded and that’s why had so much potential.

No GUI problems with Bitwig 2 under Win7. Speed is totally ok. On the other hand I don’t use 4K, just Full HD.

And why you are commenting this then? You use fullhd, not 4K. 4K requires at least 4 times faster gui algorithms/hardware to achieve the same flow. Fullhd always works. But this is 2018. I am just telling about facts, a problem lot of people have with Bitwig.