Brainstorming: Audio Tracks

I think that we should look to Renoise’s strenghts now and see how can we take advantage of these strenghts when adding audio tracks. Then something could be created that not only replicates what other DAW’s do but does it better. One of Renoise’s great strenghts is the pattern effect commands. I suggest a simple stream direct from disk option. This can maybe combined with a few new pattern effects (like timestretch, fade in/out). It could also be combined with visualization in pattern as suggested above, but unlike the screenshots given earlier I think that the visualization should be in addition to, and not instead of the volume, note and effect columns. For me the visualization is not so important, but I can see the advantage for getting a better overview.

Using pattern effects to manipulate audiotracks would give more precise editing than what is possible in other music software. Just take something simple like lowering the volume over a section of time. In the reaper/logic/cubase you have to fiddle around with the automation before and after this sections. Using pattern effects commands in Renoise you just enter two effect commands. Where other DAW’s use clips, Renoise could simply use slice markers to trigger different sections.

I think that direct from disk streaming, combined with the slice markers that already exists and a few new pattern commands would give all audio track functionality of other DAW’s, but with a much quicker and more precise interface.

I’ve already started to use the slice markers in this “region like” manner and it works great. Give me disk streaming and I have everything to work with audio tracks :)
I think that audio tracks should be visualized in a same way as automation is now. This can give u an overview leaving the pattern editor clean as it is.

srsly, isn’t it a bit weird to have things go in two different directions? also, automation should be viewable vertically as well imo.

this is one of renoise’s strengths imo: the vertical scrolling with a very compact representation of notes which gives great overview of a lot of tracks… now, this concept has to go all the way imo and that means that other data which change over time must be viewable vertically as well.

but it’s not a super important feature. just something that makes sense and makes the whole pattern editor much more intuitive!

As the standard monitor type now is wide-screen and they tend to be 2x as wide as they high I would disagree with this.

ok, maybe i didn’t word that right. :confused:

i agree that it’s useful for precision editing of waves and automation because of exactly this reason, yes.

the problem is that it doesn’t help getting a good overview and working with tracks side by side imo. but it works well for “solo editing”

:lol: mine would fall over if I tried that trick though.

If it was done like this then we could also have the automation shown on top of the waveform which would be nice.

not ALL screens can do that

that’s nice!

Automation is viewed horizontally (parallel to the horizon) the pattern editor scrolls vertically. :P

Just were bored a bit, so…Ever thought of using Tabs for certain windows, i.e. Automation-Window --> Automation-Tab, Sample-Editor-Window —> Sample-Editor-Tab…this leads me to:

Audio-Track-Window —> Audio-Track-Tab.

BAM :ph34r:


Ofc with the option to display either vertically or horizontally. For the real pr0s display it diagonally…

these ideas can be ripped 4 freeeeeeeeeee plxxxxx…

Diagonal audiotracks? This is the weirdest feature request I have ever seen. :lol:

ah! fixed my post now, thanks! :o)

i really really want audio tracks in Renoise !! :yeah: :yeah: please developers do it if you can :D

big +1

audio would be nice, but just a simple shortcut key that would map the appropriate 09xx pattern effect to each line until OFF would be amazing.
it’s simple math, but it’s tedious.

for example, i would love to be able to make a mix of my finished and exported renoise tracks that are all the same bpm - this would be easy with such a shortcut.
it would also WORK WONDERS FOR VOCALS and other long sample parts so you don’t have to manually chop or enter 09xx - or stick with having to trigger the sample at the beginning every time and have to wait to hear something many bars into the audio sample.

if there is such a shortcut, please tell me i’m stupid and i’ll love you for it.

thanks - my mind!!! - it`s one of the main reasons why i use renoise becouse the focus is on CREATION of music and designing sound and not on recording instruments (anyway you can do) or editing audiofiles (there are other programs for it - like ableton live) when i need both i use it as rewire slave what works great!!

so there are 2 main ideas:
1st audiotracks in PE - what you do when you have a sample over 4 patterns? - the pattern editor must be zoomable (i don`t know if i would like)
2nd audiotracks in PM - the same problem when you want to put it exactly - the matrix must be full zoomable - how the triggering of blocks should work? - …

there is already a great sample editor - (I WANT TIMESTRECH !!!) slicing cut copy paste pitch envelopes samplelayering everything is there!

so its only about to see the sample ! - i also would like that, but not with audiotracks, for what make it complicated like that? it would be enough to see them in the backround of the pattern editor tracks, maybe with a toggle to see it or not…

sorry about my english…

Don’t know if this has been mentioned before but why not an additional tab (like the 1/2/3/4/etc in the top right corner), that leads to a horizontal screen with only audio tracks. Possible enabling multi-track recording?

Then in the main screen the same vertical audio-track that has been posted before, except with the command/volume/delay/panning collumns we also have with the regular Renoise tracks added to them?

Best of both worlds, I’d say. You’ll get the “universal” audio recording view that most people are used to in one screen, but if you go back to tab 1, you’ll be able to see the audio vertically among the normal tracks and manipulate them using the effect/volume/panning/delay commands like you would normal tracks.

Can’t make any pretty mock-ups, though.

Oh, no, just not horizontal, please! Keep everything vertical, 'kay? This is tracker world, remember?
I already tried the combined variant in recent Buzz (vertical patterns but horizontal sequencer) and honestly, I hated that, it just messes with your brain, getting in the way and disrupting the FLOW. :smashed: We don’t need our flow to be disrupted, now do we?

So, personally I vote for VERTICAL WAVE STEMS, only like that. And those stems should better NOT be tied to instruments, because instruments are good for shorter/repetitive samples. Audio stems on the other hand should be treated and accessed differently (while you can have an option to convert a wave stem into a regular instrument/sample).

I’ll explain why I suggest that.

I noticed that when I record vocals\guitars I get totally confused with multiple takes - there’s just too many resulting instruments/samples to remember where is what. So I’d suggest there should be a new kind of library tab for browsing longer audio waves. No instruments, just samples and visual wave data.