Brainstorming: Audio Tracks

vertical audio looks good in Renoise - since you can see beat easily and align it ;)

+2 :yeah:

I think vertical waveforms can look awkward,
and would be happy to see waveforms displayed horizontally in a similar way to the automation envelopes.
However, because there is so much support for vertical waveforms, I want to suggest that (if we do go vertical) the look of a vertical waveform should have a quality that emphasizes the horizontal tracker grid lines.
Colour variation could help a lot in this situation, similar to the use of colour in LiveSlice (but vertical).
Still, I know it’s a tracker and all, but I don’t think that means that everything should be vertical.
Waveforms have become like words to me, and I don’t tend to like reading sideways.

Why not both?
Vertical in the pattern editor.
horizontal in the lower section with all the editing tools around it you need.

Good point.
Still, I’d like to see how vertical waveforms in Renoise could be presented in a way that makes them more visually integrated with the look of the pattern editor.

It doesn’t matter that this is ‘tracker world’. If it being a ‘tracker’ was of importance, we wouldn’t be discussing audiotracks either, seeing as trackers are classically about soundbits. Not audio tracks.

Then don’t use the horizontal view and just stick to the vertical view? That’s what I’m proposing. An additional tab that goes to horizontal tracks, whereas the mainscreen has audiotracks vertically among the regular tracks. I read ‘sequencing’ vertically because I learned production through trackers, but as far as working with waveforms and recording them goes, I’m all about the horizontal. And I mean, the audio editor is horizontal too and you don’t see workflows getting messed up because it’s horizontal either.

It would just make sense to have multiple tabs for this. And for the people that don’t like it… well, then they just don’t use that additional tab. They can still get it the vertical way they like. But for the people that hate working with audio tracks vetically, they can get them horizonically in a different view.

An option to hide audio tracks in the mainscreen would be dope too.

Keep it vertical, please.

For me if you mix horizontal and vertical views it’s going to be a little mess…

Since it’s still a good thing to have a choice if vertical or horizontal audio track view, let’s start implementing it in the vertical way and then think about the horizontal one…

as kosta noted, we already mix horizontal and vertical views with the Sample Editor and the Automation as well. so from those examples it becomes apparent this is not such a big issue as most people seem to think.

also, i think if you’re gonna go for vertical Audio Tracks, you have to at least give some thought to the idea of collapsible channel tracks as well. this is gonna become a big issue if people are planning on crowding the Pattern Editor with audiotracks. some people are gonna wanna hide those things.

And it is quite regular a thread crops up about that complaining about that exact fact, stating they only want to use the Pattern Commands instead of the Automation for the exact reason that it is alongside the rest of the data.

Does that have to something to do with the fact that it’s horizontal or because the data isn’t clearly visible in the automation window? 'Cause that could simply be fixed by adding notes and note length in the background of the automation window.

Wouldnt it be possible to store the audio tracks in the pattern matrix ? Would make more sense imho.

Read the whole thread and you’ll see that has been quite discussed. Personally I disagree as how is a tiny waveform in the Matrix going to help you line up transients? Although it may be good to have both as you might like the larger overview for very long samples…

Some kind of ghostly note representation in the Automation may well keep them happy too…

Experimenting with Photoshop.
Was trying to take the style of waveform colouring found in LiveSlice, and apply it to the (self imposed) challenge of integrating a waveform with the Pattern Editor.
Was trying to come up with a way of making it look like it’s supposed to be there.

Vertical waveforms in my opinion are gimmicky and impractical solution, waveforms just don’t fit to the patterns. I think renoise needs a completely new arranger type horizontal view, where you could select any track to be shown as waveform data. It’s for me the ONLY thing Renoise really needs to be complete usability wise. :)

I made a mock-up of this long time ago already:

(could also display notes and automation)

Hello Guys

what your think about this idea ?

Hi Jalex,
I like the look of your idea.
We can now do something similar with slice markers,
but I like how easy your image makes the task look, especially since it looks like it automatically inserts the note off at the correct point (or can we do that already with slices?).
Would we need an extra column for sample number?
Or are you imagining your idea working with the 09 command, or in a similar way to slices?

imagine a visual autoseek function… you select the note or the region you want- right click- “show as waveform”

and the waveform appears on the track

ok i’m going to bed now…

@coupdetat: i’d like that.

I like the vertical-waveforms-in-track-area idea more.

Maybe with “transparent”-option? (then you see both the track notes/commmands and the waveform – the latter as a subtle light shadow…)

Maybe also combined with “visual autoseek” (see entropia’s post)…

[edit] Then we do not need a separate audio track type (!) – simply we can turn on waveform view mode (or transparent notes+waveform mode) – for any region of the track (or for the whole track).

@coupdetat: I think we gonna want that option on the longer term combinated with each other, the scopes and the waveform view at the same time.

I would rather see this idea.+100
Or still vertical per one next to the notecolumn.