Brainstorming: Piano Roll

Ah, thanks!

Just wanted to suggest something, as I’ve been playing around with the Piano Rolls for FLStudio (fruity loops), Cakewalk Project5 and Orion Pro. Something about the piano roll in Orion Pro was very intuitive, and I just wanted to suggest it as a possible feature.

In most piano rolls, you adjust the velocity of each note by adjusting levels at the bottom of the piano roll (you can see this in XG’s screenshot for Music Studio Independance). This makes it really hard when you have, say, 8 notes being triggered at the same time and this makes it really heptic to adjust velocities as they all appear as one vertical line.

The Piano Roll in Orion Pro has it set up so that when you can select the notes invidually and pull down on the mouse, the notes become paler/lighter on the piano roll to visually show that they have less velocity.

I dunno, I just found that really intuitive. Obviously it’s still easier to go the Pattern Editor and manually put the volume values in, but as a visual representation (which I assume is the major feature of a piano roll), it’s quite effective.

little bump…any updates on PR? oke oke…i know u guys r busy on squashing 1.5 bugs…and thats a good thing :)

Personally i know allot of people using FL considering switching to Renoise only for the PR…so…might get some more users there… :)

Myself am curious about the PR although never touched FL.


Hi. Martinal ,

Some questions:

  1. Please Make new Screenshot!!! (v. 1.5).
  2. Piano Roll Is planned for 1.6 version or highter???

Thank’s. :)

A piano roll would be most welcomed as it is somethink that i have taken more or less for granted in audio software.

I am new to this tracker way of doing things and strugling with it at the mo when ive got time to play around it seams like i cant put notes in at all ?

can you record in real time ?

when i press record then play the sequence in time it just adds a note to the next line ?

Tricky stuff if your not familiar with it.

how do you input notes numericaly ( this would be easy in a piano roll )

PS take a look at what fruity loops is doing also the early er vertion fruityloops 2 was way better than this studio thing there doing at the moment. it has a piano roll and a patern sequencer.

Some answers to the two above posts.

Yes you can record in realtime, just press record on and then press play, now start recording.

A tracker works like an advanced and versatile step sequencer.
Instead of just being able to have it play a single note on or off, it playes the note you write on the line. You can also move/copy/paste/cut/flip etc the notes.

To input notes manually, press record, and press any note on your computer keyboard or on your midi keyboard, step up and down using your the arrow keys.
To input a note end, press CapsLock.

To input a chord hold down left shift, then press the notes on your computer keyboard.

Press enter to listen to play the current line of what you have recorded.

If you get the notes on different lines when you record you can try the following.

You can put record note delay on, this will probably make more notes end up on the same line, but with a delay command added. ( The delay command will play your note inbetween two lines. If you have a delay command you wont hear your notes when you try and play them with enter key.)

Also if you register Renoise you get ASIO support, asio will make your recording more accurate and you will probably get much less notes on the wrong lines.

You can drag n drop selections by hold alt+mousebutton.

But still a piano roll would be nice and quantisize is something that would be very useful.

Hi. Martinal , Are you Ready??? :)

I don’t think there is much difference between a pattern editor and step sequencer.
The main difference is that in the track editor you input the notes with the keyboard instead of klicking on the mouse but insted you can input any note and you see/hear which note you insert and you are also able to select the notes copy/move them around etc. Don’t think you can move the notes around by selecting them in any stepsequencer…

Btw try to keep suggestions/input on other things out of the pianoroll thread.

This problem was fixed somewhere in the midst of the Alpha releases.
Notes having a delay command should be sounded when pressing the enter-key (and yes with the delay)

huh?! not here :huh:

and actually I’ve never seen a [fixed] about this issue

Same here… I’ve reported this a couple of times over the time, but it has never been changed. I thought it was supposed to not play, since it’s not the current line. Although I don’t like the behaviour…

I’m really sorry, but any delay command in the panning-column is not being ignored here at my side…

It’s working on my soundcard (yes the one with the buggy ASIO drivers)

It works with samples as well as with VSTI’s.

And it doesn’t matter when record mode is turned on or not.

Edit:Ewps… nopes, the delay command is being ignored.
However the notes having a delay, are at least playing and this did not happened in the past either, that part is fixed.

I however don’t know if the notes should actually take the delay or not.
I can live with the solution to use the play-from-position-key (right menu key) to have the row played with delay effect incorporated and cut it by pressing space.
It’s a better solution than when i quickly want to hear wether the note is right or not but can’t since i would need to remove the delay for that instead.

Ok vvoois, that’s great news, although I need to see it before I believe it :) Actually I would like to try it, but my brother was here and uninstalled directx, which failed and now I can’t use DX at all. Or reinstall any DX version or do a roll back… it all fails. In other words, no more music until a complete windows reinstall :eek:

You are right :) They do play now when you play current row…

i really think the addition of a pianoroll is quite useless, there could be soooo many other things implemented instead of such a useless feature!

in my opinion a pianoroll would just bloat renoise.
well i guess i could see it being usefull if it spanned patterns or or gave more use ability to “paint a sound ppl”, but why would “paint a sound ppl” be using renoise in the first place?

i think first and foremost, renoise should be streamlined to use the least amount of available resources & not turn into a resource hog full of junk only ppl with a cracked version would use…period

One of the big advantages of a pianoroll is that you can adjust the note length of several or all notes at once, just by dragging the lenght of one note while they other are selected.

Now this gave me the idea of a way that it could be implemented in a tracker too. My first thought was that you would have to abandon the system with note offs and change to note blocks like in a pianoroll, but in a pattern.

However this would mean that everytime you entered a note by not recording it live it would need to have a default note length.

Now this gave me the idea that this is something you would not need a note block for it could just as well be done with noteoffs.

One thing that is good with note offs is that if you want to make a note hold until the next note you don’t need them.

But what if when you entered a note or chord it would also enter note offs?
And than you could on the fly change the length of the entered note by on the fly moving the note offs.

What if you when you press shift and enter a note it would also create a note off.
The length of the noteoff would be controlled by pressing up or down on the arrow keys while still holding down shift.

This way you could enter a chord by holding down shift and it would create noteoffs for all the notes, now If you keep shift pressed down you could would then move the noteoffs with the arrowkeys.

This should only happen while you are in record mode.
Because this way you could still keep the old shortcut of browsing by holding shift and up down keys, which you don’t need to use anyway while in recording mode.

It would also allow to keep the old way of entering note without a note off if you dont keep shift pressed down, and would also still allow for several vertical notes to be entered.

The other suggestion is a shortcut for adjusting the position of only noteoffs in a selection.

Imagine you selected a whole long track with lots of noteoffs and all you needed to do to make all noteoffs jump down or up one step would be to hold alt(or any other key) and press up down on a arrowkey.

But what if the note offs colide with another note? Well then they should be removed because then they are not needed…Ofcourse they should only be removed once the button is released, while the move noteoff mode is on their position should be remembered so that you can get them back by pressing up.

If someone does not like this behaviour of adding noteoffs automatically while holding shift there could ofcourse be a toggle button “do not add noteoffs” in the settings.

Ofcourse it would also be nice if one could add or remove from a selection like in a pianoroll.

So this is not a suggestion on how to implement the pianoroll but rather a suggestion on how to make a pianoroll unnecessary!

The ability to zoom or to edit several patterns have nothing to do with a pianoroll and could also be done in a pattern editor.

Implementing this behaviour would take the best from a pianoroll and put it in a tracker. So the tracker would get the best from both worlds, Than a tracker would definatly be better than a pianoroll in all ways :)

Agreed. Why on Earth would trackers need a piano roll? Too much mousing around. I like to type my beats. And besides, there’s always Tracktion for that, and anyone who was smart enough to get a free copy while they were still going is already set up.

If i am reading it right, that the piano roll will be an option along side the patter editor rather than a replacement, that will be fantastic, cause i was just getting to enjoy the pattern editor and would not want to lose it now.

To me, having all the choices to do it in a number of ways is ideal, as long as it does not get as confusing as it is in Logic.

“Logic, if you feel that 2 plus 2 actually equals 3, it is the most intuitive sequencer on earth.” :blink:


A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. :D

Shuddup Gandalf… :P

Awww, you have the cuuutest avatar, Mike_swe!!!