Bug: Viewbuilder Dialog Launched From Keyboard Shortcut

From investigating this bug report for ReSynth I believe it has uncovered a bug in Renoise.

I have a function which (through subfunctions) initialises a bunch of stuff, creates a viewbuilder dialog and displays it with a keyhandler that returns all keyboard input back to Renoise.

This function allows the computer keyboard to play sounds.

When this function is called from a created menu entry it works fine.

When called from a keybinding entry, the dialog gets focus but the keyboard doesn’t react the same way (it doesn’t appear to be bound to anything at all - neither the dialog nor Renoise’s main window)

It’ll be interesting to see what happens to this…

You know, I keep encountering this same “loss of keyboard input to renoise” when i cmd-tab back to Renoise and a gui is open. So I do hope that fixing this bug you’ve reported will also fix that.
(I lose keyboard input in ReSynth and in your FM tool, when cmd-tabbing back to renoise)

CMD+TAB or mouse click back into Renoise?

  1. Start ReSynth or mxb’s FM synthesizer GUI.
  2. Click on pattern editor.
  3. jam with pc keyboard.
  4. click on gui to move knobs.
  5. keep jamming. (GUI dialog window is highlighted and chosen)
  6. cmd-tab away to skype, or any non-renoise application.
  7. cmd-tab back to renoise
  8. press a key.
  9. hear nothing.
  10. move a knob in the gui.
  11. press a key
  12. hear nothing.
  13. click on Renoise
  14. GUI window loses focus (as it should)
  15. press a key
  16. you hear a note
  17. click back to gui and move notes and press keys, you hear notes.
  18. cmd-tab away and back
  19. press notes, you hear nothing.

If I have mxb’s gui open and chosen, and cmd-tab away from renoise, and then click on the gui to get back, the pckeyboard does function. If I instead just cmd-tab away and cmd-tab back, the fact that a gui is open will result in my pckeyboard jamming going nowhere. I hope this is detailed enough to break it down, when taken in context with my first response to your question.

Also, if the script gui is open, and press CMD-T (add new track), the keyboard input is lost, until i click on the pattern editor again.
(this doesn’t require any cmd-tabbing) so the gui’s keyhandler chokes if i press cmd-t in it